Version 1.10a of MonthVu - Siena Release This is a full release of MonthVu which has been adapted to run on the smaller, Siena screen. It's important that you have realistic expectations here - the screen is really too small to support the MonthVu style view which works quite well on the larger screen of the 3a/3c. However, you can still read the text (at a pinch!) and you may often find that it conveys more information than the built-in busy view. Remember that if the text of an item has a tilde (~), the text AFTER the tilde is swapped with what comes before. You can use this to make the text displayed in MonthVu more legible. For example, if an entry read: Annual American Society of Primatologist Meeting you could code it as: Annual American Society of Primatologist Meeting~ASP Mtg so that MonthVU would first display 'ASP Mtg' which would just fit in the cell in MonthVu. = = = = = = = = = = The unregistered version of MonthVu is fully functional except that you can only view the current month and, provided they are in the same year, the previous and next month. The following very minor changes have been made to the Siena version of MonthVu: 1. The Duration field in the Entry Details dialog has been removed in order to be able to display more text for the appointment. 2. Shift/Enter now brings up the details dialog with ONLY the appointment text displayed - this makes it easier to read more of the appointment text. 3. The week of the year is not displayed in the main view due to lack of screen real-estate - however, it is displayed in the entry details dialog. 4. Some error messages and help screens have been edited to fit the smaller, Siena screen. 4. When you run MonthVu, the program will automatically create a MONTHVU sub-directory under APP and all files except for the MONTHVU.OPA file will be placed in that sub-directory. If you get an overflow on your heap, try adjusting the MAX SIZE OF ITEM TEXT preference item down to say 40 or so. If that's still not enough, take it down to 15 or even 10 to get it to work. If you're willing to "fiddle", you MIGHT be able to add as much as 1,000 to 1,500 bytes to the heap, but make sure you can still get into the More Preferences dialog without a NO SYSTEM MEMORY error. 5. If you have problems installing this new version, consult the manual, or immediately send an email to Pimlico Software: Cheers! CESD