Version 2.00r of QuikNote - Minor Update and SIENA Support WHAT'S NEW IN V-2.00R ===================== SIENA SUPPORT! V-2.00R automatically reconfigures the screen display to fit the smaller screen of the Psion Siena. V-2.00R now allows you to embed end-of-line codes in your notes. If you press SHIFT/ENTER, the cursor will move to the next line, but it will not close the note - use ENTER alone to close the note. That way, you can format your note into separate lines of text. On printout, embedded end-of-line codes are changed to a space so as much as possible will print out on one line. For viewing, a preference item in the second preference menu controls whether only the first line is displayed on the screen, or whether the embedded end-of-line codes should be changed to a space. If you export a note with embedded end-of-line codes, they will appear on separate lines in that application as if you had pressed SHIFT/ENTER in that application. Several small bugs have been fixed in this version (such as getting an error when attempting to delete a note that has a lot of wide capital letters - not likely but possible). You can also now run QuikNote off a write-protected drive by manually copying the preference file to an app\quiknote directory on the internal drive and removing it from the app\quiknote directory on the write-protected drive. QuikNote will look on the internal drive if it cannot find the preference file on the load drive. REGISTERED/EXISTING QuikNote USERS - READ THIS CAREFULLY!!!!! UPGRADING FROM A PRIOR V-2.0 of QUIKNOTE ======================================== 1. Run your old version of QuikNote and press SHIFT/PSION/R to display your registration number - write that down. 2. Remove the Quiknote icon from the system screen (Click on icon for old version of QuikNote and press Pion/slash, and then Y for Y-es. 3. Delete the QUIKNOTE.PRF file in the appropriate \APP\QUIKNOTE directory 4. Copy the QUIKNOTE.OPA file into the appropriate \app directory. 5. Re-install Quiknote from the system screen. 6. Run QUIKNOTE. You should see a message telling you that a preference file has been created. 7. Enter your V-2.0 registration ID by pressing Psion/Shift/R, and press Psion/Q and Psion/M to reset all of your preference items. IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED V-1.0 USER, YOUR OLD REGISTRATION CODE WILL **NOT** WORK - YOU MUST REQUEST A NEW REGISTRATION ID FROM PIMLICO SOFTWARE FOR V-2.0!! UPGRADING FROM V-1.0 OF QUIKNOTE ================================ 1. Run your old version of QuikNote and press SHIFT/PSION/R to display your old registration number - write that down. 2. Remove the V-1.0 Quiknote icon from the system screen (Click on icon for old version of QuikNote and press Pion/slash, and then Y for Y-es. 3. Delete the QUIKNOTE.PRF file in the appropriate \APP\QUIKNOTE directory 4. Copy the QUIKNOTE.OPA file into the appropriate \app directory. 5. Re-install Quiknote from the system screen. 6. Run QUIKNOTE. You should see a message telling you that a preference file has been created. Select the Convert V-1.0 File option from the Setup menu. This will copy and convert your V-1.0 Quiknote.dbf file and place it in the \app\quiknote sub-directory which was created automatically. Your V-1.0 file is left in the \dat\ diretory and not touched. You can delete that file later when you are satisfied there are no further problems with V-2.0. 7. Enter your V-2.0 registration ID by pressing Psion/Shift/R, and press Psion/Q and Psion/M to set all of your preference items. 8. Select the Convert 1.0 file option from the Setup menu to convert your existing database file into V-2.0 format 9. If you have problems installing this new version, consult the manual, or immediately send an email to Pimlico Software: NOTE: Currently registered users of QuikNote V-1.0 may upgrade for free BY EMAIL ONLY to V-2.0. By Mail, registered users should send the $5 difference between V-1.0 and V-2.0. In BOTH cases, you must include your V-1.0 registration code to be eligible for the upgrade. New Features in QuikNote 2.0 ============================ 1. Multi-line, word-wrapped editing is now provided for notes. Editing includes support for local Cut & Paste as well as evaluation of arithmetic expressions. 2. Full support for Bring To/from QuikNote to allow text to be cut and paste to/from other Psion applications. 3. 24 shortcut keys allow user-defined text to be inserted with a single keystroke. Shortcut files can be dedicated to a specific Quiknote file 4. QuikNote data fileS can now be placed in \APP directory on same drive that Quiknote loads from (prior version could only read from internal drive). 5. On startup QuikNote will automatically generate an empty database file on the internal drive if no QuikNote.dbf file is found in the \APP\QUIKNOTE directory on the load drive, or internal drive. 6. Speed of display has been increased. 7. Date and time of notes can now be changed to any value using standard Psion calendar functions. 8. Top line display now shows number of selected note and total number of notes in database and whether there are more notes above or below the screen. 9. Database can now be sorted in either ascending or descending chronological order based on preference selection. 10. QuikNote can be now exited from the System Menu even though a note is open (and changes in that note are saved). 11. Help screen now incorporated into edit window on HELP button. 12. A global hotkey can be set to switch to QuikNote from any running Psion application. 13. A print option has been added to print out QuikNote files. 14. Full notes and their dates can be copied and pasted into other QuikNote files. 15. Deleted notes are cut to the clipboard so they can be restored. 16. Style option allows notes to be styled as bold, italic or underlined. 17. Filter option now displays all notes that match a text string (rather than finding them one at a time. 18. Kill all option only kills filtered files, so you can select a sub-group of notes and kill them with one command. 19. Evaluate option provides a quick, instant-on calculator function Regards, CESD