Siena Task List v1.20F Note: This program is for the Psion Siena ONLY. It will stop itself if it detects it is running on any other Psion machine. This program is FREEWARE (i.e. no charge is made for it's usage), but the author (P.K. Spencer of Aylesbury, England) still retains all Copyright on the code. To install it, simply copy "TASKLIST.OPO" to a \OPO directory on any one of your Siena's drives. If you want on-line help, then copy "TASKLIST.HLP" to \OPD *on the default drive*. You are free to distribute the archive file so long as un-altered and un-renamed versions of the following files are contained within it: Tasklist.opo (Program file) Tasklist.hlp (Brief Help file) Tasklist.txt (This readme file) You are advised to install the help file as it lets you know about all the shortcuts and features which can't appear on the menu. It's only just over 1K in size, so you can delete it once you're used to using the program. If you have a bug report, or a comment/suggestion for a future version, please feel free to send them via e-mail to me on: DISCLAIMER ********** The author can not and will not be held liable in any way for ANY damage whatsoever caused as a direct or indirect result of viewing and/or using or attempting to view and/or use any of the files included here. Since this is freeware, I am under no obligation to provide any support or future versions. However, the chances are that I will do so anyway! Any updates/fixes will be available from my homepage a at: Siena Task List v1.20F, Released 16/11/1997 Siena Task List and all files associated with it are Copyright (C) P.K. Spencer 1997, All rights reserved.