Welcome to XpensEZ! Installation instructions are contained in the XpensEZ.WRD document. XpensEz is a highly configurable program and since this is a first release, we recommend that you use caution in changing the configurations as it is entirely possible that certain "impossible" configurations will cause the program much grief! Remember that you can always repair configuration files outside of XpensEZ by using the standard DATA application as all configuration and data files used by XpensEZ are standard DBF files. Also note, that you will almost certainly need to configure XpensEZ before you use it in order to establish the appropriate rate schedules, etc. Sample configuration files and a small example expense file are included in the ZIP file to facilitate your evaluation. Unregistered versions are limited to 10 entries in a single expense File. Registered versions allow up to 500 entries with an unlimited number of expense files. Apart from that limitation, the unregistered version is fully functional and should provide ample opportunity for full evaluation. Revisions: 1.01f Fixed problem of trying to use timer on unregistered versions of S/w Added code to provide process name of XPENSEZ instead of standard OPL name 1.01g Fixed problem of providing default ODB extension instead of EXP on newly created files 1.01h Fixed a further problem of using timer on un-registered versions 1.10a Dynamically reconfigures itself to run on the Siena with its smaller screen. Please report all problems or suggestions for future enhancements to CESD at Pimlico Software: 71165,1115