Castle II -The definitive Psion RPG- (Siena version) Version 1.06 4/3/99 Freeware 8/5/2000 Welcome to Castle II, the sequel to the original Castle Reisling. Castle II allows you to wander a fantasy world, attempting to slay the powerful mage Malivium. Requirements: A Siena palmtop Recommended: A Siena with 1Mb of RAM. After installation, you should have 125K or more free to use the game and the help system, or 100K just to run the game. This game doesn't have memory checking, so it _will_ crash due to low memory if not enough is available. Installation: Place the castle2.opa file anywhere. Place the PAK0.PAK file in an \APP\CASTLE2 subdirectory on drive M. Place the PAK1.PAK, PAK2.PAK and the PAK2A.PAK files in the same directory as PAK0.PAK. Place the EDITOR.HLP and the HELP.OPA files in the same directory as PAK0.PAK. Place the EDITOR.OPA file in the \APP directory on the same drive. Install Editor.opa and Castle2.opa in the usual way. You can install the HELP.OPA file seperately. Note: the distribution ZIP file has the correct directory structure. Starting the game: When you first start Castle II, you will see the title screen, offering a choice of New, Load, or Exit. Use the cursor keys and enter to select an option. Help: Help is available in the game. Press help during gameplay to access it. Licence: This game is Freeware. Use the following registration code to unlock the game: Name: Registered version Code: 43DF5F7386 The usual disclaimers apply, that is, if your Psion explodes whilst using the game (or even crashes horribly) then I am not responsible. I can no longer offer support for this game as I now work exclusively with EPOC. Contact info: I would appreciate any comments (good or bad!) about this game. Who knows, if people like it enough, there may well be a Castle III! Please send e-mail to Visit CastleWeb at: for updates, levels and more. Q&A: How come the monster's health is different each time? That's one of the compromises that had to be made to make the game fit. The source code is over 90K! Why don't the monsters move? A) Because I didn't know how to make them move until I nearly finished writing this game. B) See the above point. How come my options aren't saved? As I had the choice of either checking for low memory or saving the options. I chose to check for low memory as opposed to saving the options. Why does cause the game to crash? Probably a bug. Send the c2.bug file to me. I haven't checked everything, that would take too long. History ======= 1.06 Fixed bug on level 21 1.05 Fixed starting gold amounts, minor help changes, other minor fixes 1.04 Fixed new game drawables error 1.03 Fixed God mode bug and tidied attack dialog 1.02 Fixed bug on Level 8 and other minor fixes 1.00 Initial release New since Beta 2: * Small graphics/engine updates * Refined the help system * Added a "fill with wall" option to the level editor * Added options screen and debugging tool. New in Beta 2: * 3 types of shop: An armoury, weapons shop and a potion shop * Integrated help system * Level editor, with Siena support New in Beta 1: * Graphics: so you no longer have to work out whether "S" is a shop or a spider! * Better dialog boxes: drawn in my proprietry interface * Monster effects: instead of all being the same monster, but tougher, some monsters do special things, eg vampires leech your health