Jumpy! 3.00F (C)opyright 1992-1998 Jon Read About Jumpy! ------------ The Series 3 platform game Jumpy! was first released as shareware in September 1992. Version 2.01 was released commercially by Psion on Games Pack 2. Versions 1.00A to 2.10F were updates of the original for the Series 3a/c and Siena. This is version 3.00F, which features a much improved game engine with many new features. This is the first release under the Palmscape banner. Installation ------------ Extract the files from the distribution archive, restoring the original directory structure if possible. (To do this with pkzip, use the -d flag). 1. Copy the file JUMPY.OPA into any \APP directory. 2. Create a new directory, \APP\JUMPY 3. Copy the following files into this directory: CLASSIC.DAT CLASSIC.PIC COMMON.PIC JENG.DYL JUMPY.HLP PLUS.DAT PLUS.PIC The title screen ---------------- When you run the game, you will be presented with the Jumpy! title screen. Use the left and right cursor keys on this screen to select whether you wish to play Jumpy! Classic or Jumpy! Plus; the title graphic will change to the appropriate game. Pressing Enter will then start the selected game. If you have played some levels before and wish to skip them, you can press Psion-J or select "Jump to screen" from the title screen menu to display the "Jump to screen" dialog. This dialog can be used to enter the codes you are given when you reach a particular screen; if you enter a correct code, a new game will be started at the specified screen. Playing the game ---------------- On starting a game, you should see a little round thing with eyes and feet sitting on a platform in the middle of the screen. That's Jumpy. You have to guide him round each screen, picking up the spheres. When all of these have been collected, a door opens. To finish a screen, enter this door. Of course, it's not that simple. There are a few obstacles here and there, arranged so as to give you as much hassle as possible - especially in the later screens! Spikes: Contact with spikes hurts, as you will find out. You lose one of your three lives if you touch a spike. Ice: Once you've got used to it, ice isn't that bad. The only problem is that you can't stand still! Creatures: They move left and right along a preset course. Touch one and you lose one of your lives. Sticky floors: When you are standing on a sticky floor, you can't jump. It's best to try and predict what this will mean in a situation before you plough on in - this is used in many a trap. Ladders: Ladders can be used to climb up or down. That's about all there is to them. Crumbling floors: When your foot touches one of these, it will begin to crumble away - it's best to leave as much floor intact as possible, in case you need to pass that way again. Conveyor belts: When standing on one of these, you will be moved along in the direction of the arrow. If you try to move against the flow, you will stop; if you try to move with the flow you will zip along more quickly. Springs: Spring shoot you up into the air whether you like it or not. There are three different strengths of spring, each shooting you a different height. Switchable walls These walls and floors appear as chains on the screen. and floors: They can be turned on and off using the... Switches: ... which, erm, switch them. There are two types of switch; toggle switches which you have to activate manually, and push switches which are activated when you pass over them. Sticky floors, ladders, crumbling floors, conveyor belts, springs, switchable walls, switchable floors, push switches and toggle switches only appear in Jumpy! Plus. To move left, press either the left cursor key or "I". To move right, press either the right cursor key or "P". To jump or climb up, press the up cursor key or "Q". To climb down or activate a toggle switch, press the down cursor key or "A". If you switch to another task, the game will be automatically paused. That's basically it. The first couple of screens are easy, to help you get the hang of it - but some of the later levels are very, very hard! The unregistered version only allows you to play the first four levels of Jumpy! Classic and Jumpy! Plus; that's 8 levels in all. Map --- While playing a game, selecting "View Map" or pressing Psion-M will bring up a map of the current level. This map can be used to plan your way around difficult areas and avoid traps; use it wisely... :-) The map screen also displays a key which depicts the different elements of a level. Scores ------ The high score screen is available from the title screen, and is also displayed if you achieve a high score. The high score screen has a menu, from which you can reset the high scores, return to the title screen or exit the program. There are different sets of high scores for the "Classic" and "Plus" games. Memory ------ Jumpy! requires approximately 86k free memory to run. If you are using digital sounds, these will not play unless you have an extra 10k free, ie. 96k free in total. As Jumpy! stores the options, registration info and the high scores in files on the internal drive (in a \GPK directory, as used by Psion's own games packs), these may also become corrupt in low memory situations. You will be warned if this is likely to happen, and the program will attempt to resolve the situation. Registration ------------ Jumpy! is shareware, and has taken a great deal of time to develop. If you wish to continue playing it, please register. Registering allows you to play all 33 levels of Jumpy! Classic and all 36 levels of Jumpy! Plus. Unregistered, you may play the first 4 levels of each game. These first four are easy; the later levels increase in difficulty as the game progresses. Registration is either 12 UKP, 24 USD or 36 GDM. All purchases made in UK Pounds by customers based in an EU country will be subject to sales tax (V.A.T) of 17.5%, bringing the cost up to 14.10 UKP. You may register online using your credit card by visiting the Palmscape web site at http://www.palmscape.com. You can also register by post. Please mark clearly the product you are purchasing, your email address, contact telephone number or postal address to one of the following addresses. United Kingdom: direct to Palmscape. Payment can be accepted in either cash in any currency, money order in Sterling or UK Bank Cheque made payable to "Palmscape". Palmscape, 44 Harpur Street, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 2QT. England. You can also make your purchase by telephone: +44 (0)1234 353970 United States: via RegNet. Payment can be accepted in either cash in US Dollars only, US money order or US Bank Check made payable to "RegNet". Please mark clearly which Palmscape product you are registering. RegNet (Wintronix, Inc.) 24303 Walnut Street Suite 200 Newhall, CA 91321 You can also make your purchase by telephone: Toll free within the US: 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) International: +1 (805) 288-1827 Germany: via PsioLogic. Payment can be accepted in either cash in German Deutchmarks only, German money order or German Bank Check made payable to "PsioLogic". Please mark clearly which Palmscape product you are registering. PSIOlogic Versand Sudetenstrae 46 D 63571 Gelnhausen You can also make your purchase by telephone: Tel: [+49] (0)6051/9655-0 Fax: [+49] (0)6051/9655-25 When registering, please ensure you include the following details: 1) The name of the person to which you wish the program to be registered. 2) Either your email address (preferred) or your postal address, and a telephone number. Your registration code will be sent to the address that you supply as soon as your payment is processed. This is usually within 24-48 hours when registering online or by phone. Thank you for supporting this software! Online Support -------------- If you wish to report bugs or comment on Jumpy!, please email jon@palmscape.com. For more information, and details of other Palmscape products, visit the web site at http://www.palmscape.com/. --- Jon Read 6th November 1998 jon@palmscape.com http://www.palmscape.com