Pac-Lamb (c)1998 Sheep Productions By Graham Parks Version 1.0 - 6th July, 1998 RevTran Protected For the Psion Siena/3a/3c Voluntary Shareware (£5) *What is it? Pac-Lamb is a version of the classic 80's game Pacman for Psion organisers. *Installation Put PAC-LAMB.OPA into the \APP directory (You may have to create one). Put PAC-LAMB.PAC, PAC-LAMB.PIC and PAC-LAMB.RSC to the \APP\PAC-LAMB directory (Ditto). PAC-LAMB.RSC is an optional help file. Make sure you put all the files onto the same (any) drive. Press Psion-I and select PAC-LAMB.OPA. A pill icon should appear. Select it and press Enter. It will create a small preferences file in \APP\PAC-LAMB *Quick Instructions Read the online help for full instrructions. Press Enter to start. To move, use either the cursor keys or: On the Siena put your thumb between the "3" and "=" keys, and the controls should be intuitive; On the 3a/c do the same with he "P" and "*" keys. *Tech Stuff Pac-lamb requires about 60K free memory to run on a Siena (75k on a 3a/c). Pac-lamb automatically chooses which machine it's running on, and adapts accordingly. *Disclaimer In Short: If anything breaks, it's not my fault. In Full: This software is supplied as is. Neither I nor Sheep Productions takes any responsibility for damage caused directly or undirectly to data, software, hardware, persons or hamsters. Use this software at your own risk. *Contacting me Via e-mail: On the internet: This is an alias/shortcut/link to: By post: Sheep Productions, 1 Sand Street, Milverton, Somerset, TA4 1JN *Other programs from Sheep Productions See my website at *Status Pac-lamb is released as Voluntary Shareware. This means that using it unregistered is completely OK, but please remember that a lot of work has gone into this program. When you register, I will send you a password that will simply put your name into the bottom corner of the screen. Registration costs £5 (Or equivilant foreign currency). Send a cheque payable to Graham Parks to: Sheep Productions, 1 Sand Street, Milverton, Taunton, TA4 1JN Online registration is not worth it for amounts this small, because of the fees involved. *Other Stuff A level editor will be available sometime soon. Check my website for developments. Pac-lamb is document based, so I could do extra levels. *How do I get the source? I am not willing to give out the entire source code. I am happy to give chunks of code if people want to know how I did certain things.