PPView is a very simple and what's more a very tiny (v1.02 registered-815 B) picture viewer written in OPL on and for Psion Siena, but it should also work on Series3/a/c/mx and even on the Workabout (not tested yet, but You can have a try - I have just a Siena ). It supports greyscale, scrolling and unlimited (limited to OPL) picture size. That's the introduction and now to the program. Installation: Unzip the archive on Your PC and transfer the files to Your Psion. PPView.opa goes to the \APP directory, ent.pic goes to the \PIC directory. These should be on Your internal drive, but it might work also on SSDs, but I don't have the SSD drive, so I couldn't try it. Then install it to the system screen by pressing PsionšI. Under the icon (very nice, isn't it ?) are listed the files in the \PIC directory with the pic extension. Using PPView: Press enter on the picture name You'd like to see (or use the key if You want to view a picture in another directory). The picture is shown and centered on the screen. Use arrows for scrolling (to scroll the picture must be bigger than the screen). +arrows jumps to the borders of the picture. , or exit. You can also stop it on the system screen by pressing on the bold name. Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any data loss or other damage You could (but shouldn't) suffer by using PPView. Registering: Beceause there are some free pic viewers, this is what I call MailWare. Just simply ask for it by ešmail. But don't forget to include Your name. There are several reasons why to register: 1) You get rid of the NagScreen => smaller executable. 2) If You have a nice icon, I'll include it just for you. 3) I can add Your name somewhere into the program according to Your wish. 4) You will get any updates immediatelly after release. 5) You will get a pre-alpha release of PSketch - a picture drawing/editing program. 6) In the future You will be sent the game of StarTrek for Siena when it will be ready to release. 7) You will get some support but very limited though. 8) I'll be very grateful to You. 9) The first ten registered will get all my future programs for free. 10) I can't think of any other advantages, but there are thousands of them. As I stated at the beginning, I'd like to upgrade my hardware so if You have some spare S3c/mx-2MB/S5 (as sponsorship š I could include Your name into all my programs as a sponsor) feel free to send it to me. I also accept U$D, GPB and DEM (in fact I accept any money but I preffer those). My address is: Jaroslav Pelan 9.kvetna 370 Horovice 268 01 Czech Republic No mailbombs please. Suggestions, ideas and registrations to: "pelanj@fel.cvut.cz". Pelan's Picture Viewer -copyright 1999 Jaroslav Pelan.