© UK 1998 ABTaysoft PSION software ----------Tic Tac Toe---------- Tic Tac Toe is for Siena and 3a/c. Tic Tac Toe or otherwise know as Noughts & Crosses is that game where you have to try and get 3 O's or 3 X's in a row to win. I have included a computer player where you can play against the computer so you won't have to be with someone to play. There is no help file with this version because it is easy to use, but the next version will have one. These versions are full programs and the next version will be coming out soon, it will contain menu's and dialog boxes. This zip contains Version 1.0 and 1.1: v1.0 is Tic1-0.opa (7,602 bytes) v1.1 is Tic1-1.opa (6,732 bytes) both use about 9kb when run. INSTALLATION ------------ Just put Tic*.opa file in the APP directory to make it easy for you when installing, but it can go in any directory on the psion. UPDATES ------- Version 1.1 - I have removed unneeded variables and procedures so it uses less memory. There are no bugs in this program that I know of, I have tested it on the Siena and Siena PC Emulator. If something doe's go wrong then E-mail me with the problem so I can fix it in the next version. OPTIONAL REGISTRATION --------------------- If you like the program enough you could send £5 to the address below. The money will help me buy things to make new programs and get them finished faster. E-mail: albtay@net.ntl.com Web address: websites.ntl.com/~albtay Address: ABTaysoft 43 Bury Court Church Lane Bedford Beds England MK41 0HN