If you're reading this file I guess this means you've decided not to use the flashy CD interface we've created.... I would *urge* you to reconsider if at all possible, as the CD's HTML interface contains indexes, hints and tips and makes everything much easier to follow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're still reading, it may be because for some reason your PC is unable to run a web browser program and thus cannot open our HTML interface files... So you're having to persevere using Windows file manager or similar and hoping to make sense of the directory structure..... Chances are you're most interested in the 3-Lib library section, so I'll include a few notes here for your interest. Introduction to 3-Lib --------------------- Welcome to 3-Lib! I'm Steve Litchfield, the library maintainer, let me try and introduce how it all works and how you can browse this CD. The library ----------- All files throughout the library have been unzipped for your convenience. What this means is that once you've read the author's documentation (usually a README.TXT or similar) to find out where things 'go', you can simply drag and drop files or folders directly from the CD onto your Psion, though please read the notes below. If copying certain files over manually -------------------------------------- Note that Windows will assign the "Read-Only" flag to all files copied from CD. Although this shouldn't matter for 90% of programs, which will work quite happily, you should be aware of this possible problem. The cure, of course, is to change the program file attributes once the files are on your Psion, e.g. On an EPOC palmtop, Control-A followed by Control-P will let you remove the Read-Only flag for all files in a folder simultaneously. Categories available -------------------- Items in the main (non-vault) categories below are of high quality, in many cases as good or better than equivalent commercial software. Text indexes for each category are held inside plain-text HTM files in the \library folder.