Welcome to the library CD, featuring the entire 3-Lib shareware library. Before you go any further, bookmark this page in your browser (i.e. add to your 'Favourites' list) so that you can get back here quickly.
Library quick start

3-Lib library

  • The 3-Lib library (many thousands of programs for Series 3/3a/3c/3mx/5/5mx/7 and Revo/Revo Plus palmtops), in its final version as produced on 2nd June 2005 - hundreds of megabytes of Psion software.
  • You'll find your free copy of the latest PsiWin 2.3.3 (plus MacConnect) on this disk, together with Psion's Contacts Synchronization Update, 5mx Mobile Connectivity Update 1.1, all 70MB of the ER5 OPL SDK (i.e. the 5mx 'emulator') and the Revo OPL Editor.
  • We've also included a quick start page for beginners to get 40 of the top EPOC programs installed with just a single mouse-click each, and a Java search engine that runs in your browser, to help you locate items of interest within the library!

Please note that we've unzipped as much of the library as possible, for your convenience, but some authors may have deliberately included further ZIPs as part of their intended distributions. If you need unzipping software and haven't already got something suitable, note that we've the current Windows version in the \software folder.

Do please also note that we are not responsible for any problems you might have with any of the software on the CD, and you should take up any problems with the companies concerned. Note that some of the programs on the CD are now unsupported, with their original companies long gone. This includes a few commercial Psion programs which haven't been sold for a number of years. Use at your own risk, obviously!

Happy browsing! 3-Lib hopes that you find this CD a useful Psion resource. This CD is reconstructed and remastered every few months, with new and updated software.

Steve Litchfield