ࡱ>    ܥhW e jjjjjjj  1\^^^(XYLjjj.jj\@Tl>~jjjj\Waypoint Database for the United Kingdom - MAY 1996 Heres some waypoints that Ive been using with my Garmin GPS 45. I thought these would be useful for anyone whos navigating around London. Ive split these waypoints into separate category named files in case you dont want to upload the whole lot into your GPS. I like to do quite a bit of travelling when I get the time and will be occasionally contributing more waypoints when ever I can. I would like to encourage other GPSers to upload to this forum any waypoints they care to do, so that we can all share the information. Anything from walks around the country or just individual landmarks around a city. It would be nice if we could eventually build up a database of waypoints up and down the country so that we can download them as and when we need them with out having to waste time using a map. WHY ?! If for example you get hopelessly lost in town (it happens to me !) it can be useful just to navigate from a single waypoint which maybe a familiar landmark to get you back into a familiar area. Please keep the waypoints within the United Kingdom to save confusion, unless someone wants to start a separate International page ! Loading waypoints. For uploading the waypoints to a GPS 45 I use a shareware program called PSIGAR. This program allows a user to copy navdata to and from a Psion when connected to a Garmin GPS unit. PSIGAR also allows conversion into .dbf files so that the data can be viewed on your Psion. ** DISCLAIMER ** I have taken care to make these waypoints as accurate as I can but I can not accept any responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result from the use of this data. If your journey is critical I would strongly advise you double check the waypoint information from a reliable source before your journey. *** NEVER DRIVE AND LOOK AT YOUR GPS AT THE SAME TIME, ITS VERY SILLY !!!! *** Happy navigating !! Thanx. J. Ryde. .A5P|P-xPWPWP]_^[D$SV=WUw tGt1=tk=JL$ T$QRPD$ P|P]_^[jP3]_^[=pPML$ Q pPjAhPP3]_^[39=pPL$ jWQPpPH9Hwx@u$j-<Pj@PhPjj@PhP) QP蹸ءpPHH RQ螸t t pP6 bij.   ( ) * y uU^cUc^cU^cVcUVcUcc^c56abij./) * y z u Du Du u qu u u u u u *u u u u u u u u Nu u u u u u u u & ( K@Normala "A@"Default Paragraph Font    AHJay RydeWordDocumentX @CompObj@@0j|SummaryInformation(  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.69qࡱOh+'0   4@ h t  )Waypoint Database for the United KingdomUD@ Jay RydeF.. Normal.dot Jay Ryde4DMicrosofDocumentSummaryInformation8 ՜.+,0HP`hp x PYRAMIDB  )Waypoint Database for the United Kingdom$0jPQRjUW P;l$(|CtjPPP C-PPՍL$ -PP$l$lPQWՋC,tW~ttf~>tAL$(hjjPD$tgjPPPl$ PL$$$pD$$QWPPl$ 39l$,~oh CL$0jT$0jPQRUj WP;l$,|CtjPPP C-PPՍL$ -PP$l$lPQWՋC tW~ttf~>tAL$(hjjPD$2D$ $p PQHP~ t~t~tfF>f=tf=u3C 9t ~t;qjWP$ljW PjPjP;ujjPPWPpPPWP~D$htF{ht@j j=DPD$4l$0+P$| PlPP+UWPpPPWPjWPt jPCfȲf:w:wȸ:у%{ tK 9~PWP~tD$,+sVPPVUj"WP$lPWPD$hPWPj WP$ljW PjPjP;ujjPPWPpPPWP~D$htF{ht@j j= Cl$0P$x PlPP藐+D$0U+PWPpPPWPt jPCfȲf:w:wȽjW:уP{,tC 9t[~uUUWP~tD$(+sVPPVj"UWP$lPWPD$hPWPl$| E=J 3ɊtIP$\IP$p h(qPPlPPhPD$CDtPPCDCHtPPCH=pPP=pPCD$0-PPՋT$0L$4QRXPL$0QV8Pj=,PV׋j$t P;jVTP;zjpUPiEPPWpP8<5EPstK=pPt$ljhMPQjL8t/$ljhMPQjЃPE$lPQPj\pPPP-P$pPՍ$lpPQ-PP3ՋD$=pPP QlPPlPPy$p jWQLP$p -ЗPQՋL$QhwVlPPVpP5PPP|P pPQPxP=pPPj4PEX=jV׋j$t P;jVlPPTP;jpWPvPPepP8<CGP轰tK=pPt$ljhOPQj薣8_t/$ljhOPQjЃPG$lPQPj\pPPP-P$pPՍ$lpPQ-PP3ՋD$=pPP QlPPlPPw$p jWQLP$p -ЗPQՋL$QhwVlPPlPPVlPPpP5PPP|P pPQPxP=pPPPj4PGXyPlP;!=pPpP8<PP-<PPh Չ$lPhPD$0oGL$4OG pPPUPUPD$lP|P$l$pDŽ$tDŽ$xO$l$|PWj$h+DŽ$FILEVPt $ljPh3VPj4PpPP+j4PGpPL$h$xQDŽ$pDŽ$tDŽ$Ƅ$xƄ$yRDPL$hjQVjPL$y tytD$xt(f@>f=tf=uD$lD$t+;D$4|3+D$pD$h+;D$0}jjhPP $lPVhQP{PK Q@fKLPQSRCSP=Sj VhQPP pPQ5PP|P pPQPxPpPjCXC\ QlPPlPP胰PjSD$ PQlPPlPPt$p jjQLP$p -ЗPQpPPt Word for Windows 95@q@@ȁ<@ >Iࡱ՜.+,0HP`hp x PYRAMIDB  )Waypoint Database for the United Kingdom