14400.dbf Database of 14.4kbps CIS nodes 1997hols.agn amort.zip Example spreadsheet for amortization calculations armdb.zip Database of ARM assembly mnemonics aroma.zip Aromatherapy database astro97c.zip battlead.txt Advice & instructions on battery lead replacements cisnodes.dbf Database of all US CIS nodes country.zip cprint.wrd Glossary of CIS words/terms cscreen.wrd Glossary of CIS words/terms ctrycity.dbf Database of major cities around the world disney.pic Map of Disney World (Florida) heb.agn holi3a.zip Agenda file of US holidays 1992-1997 (compressed) holis3a.agn Agenda file of US holidays 1992-1997 hotkeys.wrd Psion Word document listing all known hot keys hotkeys.zip Psion Word document listing all known hot keys (compressed) jewish.agn moon97.agn Agenda file of moon phases for 1997 newhol.zip obi_date.agn phones.txt Advice on phone connections in various countries postcode.zip quips.dbf Database of quips, funny comments, etc. sushi.dbf Database of sushi dishes teletext.dbf Database of UK teletext service pages travel.dbf Database of countries for the traveller undergnd.pic Bitmap (PIC) of London underground system usa1997.agn Agenda file of US holidays for 1997