ۥ-!@ -p(\\\\\\\j2222F.t(2:4I'\DKSeries 3a Agenda File FormaT Introduction Series 3a agenda files are binary files containing typed variable length records. They use the same basic file and record structure as DBF files, but the file signature and internal record structure are NOT the same. Basic structure of Agenda files The basic file structure for agenda files is as follows: Used to identify the file type and the version of the file structure.   For future use, currently omitted.   The main body of the file, containing entries and preferences.  The standard header The standard header is present at the start of all agenda files and is always 32 bytes long. AGD_SIG_SIZE 16 AGD_SPARE_SIZE 12 typedef struct { UBYTE sig[AGD_SIG_SIZE]; UWORD version; UWORD hSize; UBYTE spare[AGD_SPARE_SIZE]; } AGD_FILE_HEADER; The first 16 bytes of the file are always the zero terminated string AgendaFileType*. This is used to identify the file as an agenda file. The two byte parameter version at file offset 0x100f should be interpreted as a hexadecimal word that gives the version of the file format. This is currently always 0x100f. The most significant nibble (currently 0x1) is the major version number and any change in this indicates that the file format may not be backwards compatible. The two byte parameter hSize gives the combined size of the standard and extended header. This effectively gives the file offset of the first data record within the file. Currently this is always 0x0020. The extended header At present this is never used and is reserved for future expansion. The data records As in DBF files all data is stored as variable length, typed records, with the type and length combined into a single word (two bytes). The most significant nibble of the word gives the record type. The type determines how the contents of the record are to be interpreted. The remainder of the word gives the length of the data that follows. This file structure is designed to be flash friendly in that deleted records are not normally removed from the file but are marked with record type 0 which can be done in place. This structure allows 16 record types 0x0 to 0xf, each of which are allowed to be up to 0xffe (4094) bytes long. Although a record length of 0xfff is not explicitly illegal it is not used. Record Types There are sixteen record types as follows. Type Record  0 Deleted  1 Appointmens (timed day entries)  2 Day notes (un-timed day entries)  3 Anniversaries  4 Todo entries  5 Repeat records  6 Anonymous data  7 Reserved  8 Reserved  9 Todo list information  10 Descriptive records 1  11 Descriptive records 2  12 Descriptive records 3  13 Descriptive records 4  14 Descriptive records 5  15 Illegal (used to mark write failure)  Currently record types 6,7 & 8 are never generated by the Series 3a agenda. A number of the records contain day numbers and times. Unless stated otherwise all dates are given as a daynum. A daynum is the number of days from 1 Jan. 1970. For technical reasons dates before 1 Jan. 1980 (daynum 3652) or after 31 Dec. 2049 (daynum 29219) are ignored by the agenda and where appropriate will be 'clipped' to one or other of these dates (for example a repeating entry that starts on 10 June 1970 will have its start date 'clipped' to 1 Jan. 1980). The above record types (one to fifteen) are described below. Type 0: deleted record. As for DBF files, deleted records are not normally removed from the file but have their record type changed to type 0. As any of the above record types may be converted to a type 0 record, there is nothing that can usefully be said about the contents of such a record (indeed the record may not even have been a valid agenda record before it was deleted). Records of this type should be ignored except to calculate the amount of space that would be freed by compressing the file. There may be any number of such records in the file. Types 1 to 4: entry records. Records of type 1 to 4 contain details of individual agenda entries. Each has the same conceptual structure as follows: This is dependent on the entry type.   Obligatory, variable length field containing the text of the entry.  <Alarm field> Optional, fixed length field containing alarm time and sound.  <Memo field> Optional variable length field containing any memo for the entry.  The record type is used to determine the length and meaning of the first field. Although these have some similarities all four are individually described in details below. Entry details field This field contains most of the non-textual information describing when an entry occurs, what other fields it has and various bits of type specific information, such as the duration for timed appointments. Type 1 (timed day entry/appointment) A type 1 record stores details of entries that occur at a specific time on a specific day. In the Series 3a agenda these are called timed day entries. The details field for a timed day entry consists of eight bytes structured as follows: UWORD day; UWORD time; UBYTE attr; UBYTE code; UWORD dur; day is the daynum of the day on which the entry appears. time is the time of the start of the appointment in minutes from midnight. attr is a byte containing flags for attributes the entry may or may not have (see below). code is the ASCII character code for the symbol that is to be associated with the entry when it is visible in the year view. Values less than 32 are ignored and treated as if the entry should not appear in the year view. dur is the duration of the appointment measured in minutes. It is constrained such that the appointment cannot end after 11:59 PM. i.e. this field is between 0 and 1439 - time (inclusive). Type 2 (untimed day entry/note) A type 2 record stores details of entries that appear on a specific day but do not have a time associated with them. In the Series 3a Agenda these are called untimed day entries. The details field for an untimed day entry consists of six bytes structured as follows: UWORD day; UWORD slot; UBYTE attr; UBYTE code; day is the daynum of the day on which the entry appears. slot is the time slot (in minutes from midnight) in which the entry will appear in the day and week views. For example a slot value of 780 would show the entry at the start of the 1pm slot. If this is 0xffff then the anniversary will appear in the default slot. attr is the attributes byte (see below). code is the ASCII character code for the symbol that is to be associated with the entry when it is visible in the year view. Values less than 32 are ignored and treated as if the entry should not appear in the year view. Type 3 details (anniversaries) A type 3 record stores details of anniversaries (entries which appear in the anniversary view). Although these are usually repeated there are cases where a single anniversary entry will exist. For details of repeated entries see type 5 records below. The details field for an anniversary record consists of nine bytes structured as follows: UWORD day; UWORD slot; UBYTE attr; UBYTE code; UWORD baseYear; UBYTE displayAs; day is the daynum for the day the anniversary entry will appear on. slot is the time slot (in minutes from midnight) in which the entry will appear in the day and week views. For example a slot value of 780 would show the entry at the start of the 1pm slot. If this is 0xffff then the anniversary will appear in the default slot. attr is the attributes byte (see below). code is the ASCII code for the character to display when the entry is visible in the year view. Values less than 32 are illegal and cause the entry not to appear in the year view. baseYear is the year of the event that the anniversary commemorates. Positive values indicate AD years e.g. 55 means 55 AD and negative values indicate BC e.g. -5 means 5 BC. A value of zero indicates that there is no baseYear. displayAs contains flags detailing how the entry is to be displayed. The flags are as follows: 0x01 for baseYear displayed, 0x02 for elapsed years displayed, 0x03 for both of the preceding options and 0x00 for none of them. Type 4 details (Todo) A type 4 record holds details of to do entries. These are entries which usually have an associated due date and a display from date. They appear in the corresponding todo list, and depending on the preference settings will appear in the day view from the display from date until they are crossed out or deleted. The details field for a todo entry consists of 14 bytes structured as follows: UWORD displayFrom; UWORD slot; UBYTE attr; UBYTE code; UWORD dueDate; UBYTE listNo; UBYTE priDisp; ULONG order; displayFrom is the daynum of the day on which the entry first appears in the day/week views of the agenda. This must normally be the same or less than the dueDate value. If the entry is crossed out (see the description of the attr byte below) this is the daynum of the day on which the entry was crossed out. In this case, and only in this case, the displayFrom can be later than the dueDate. If the displayFrom daynum is 0xffff, then this is an un-dated todo i.e. one that always appears on today. In this case the dueDate will also be 0xffff. slot is the time slot (in minutes from midnight) in which the entry will appear in the day and week views. If this is 0xffff then the entry will appear in the default slot of the appropriate todo list. attr is the attributes byte (see below). code is the ASCII code for the character to display when the entry is visible in the year view. Values less than 32 are illegal and cause the entry not to appear in the year view. dueDate is the daynum of the day the todo should be done by. If this value is 0xffff the record is an undated todo (i.e. one which always appears on today when it appears in the day/week views). listNo is the internal number (0-255) of the todo list on which the entry will appear. Note that a value of zero does not necessarily mean that the entry appears on the first todo list in the todo view. See type 9 records for further details of the meaning of this byte. priDisp this byte consists of two nibbles that give the priority and the method of displaying the todo. The least significant nibble (bottom four bits) has a value one less than the priority of the todo. Thus a priority one todo has value zero, priority two has value one etc. This will currently always be in the range zero to eight inclusive and all other values are illegal. The most significant nibble (top four bits), determines how the due date should be displayed there are currently four legal values: 0 - automatic, shown as date until within a week then shown as e.g. Next wed. 1 - Always shown as date. 2 - Shown as number of days until due date. 3 - Due date never shown. order this determines the position of the entry in its todo list when the list is displayed in manual order. This field is not assigned consecutively. Thus a value of 3 for example in this field does not necessarily mean that the entry appears third (or fourth) on the todo list. The attributes byte 'attr'. The above record types (1 to 4) contain an attributes byte as the 5th byte within the record data. This byte contains flags which indicate which of the two optional fields are present in the record, whether or not the entry is repeated etc. The following flags are currently defined for the attributes byte (all other bits should be 0). Bit Meaning  00000001 Once only: if this bit is set the entry appears only once in the agenda. If it is clear the entry is repeating and there will be an associated type 5 repeat record elsewhere in the file.  00000010 Pending: this bit is set if the entry has not been crossed out. If it is clear the entry has been crossed out. In the case of todo entries this alters the meaning of the displayFrom field of the details.  00000100 Display code: if this bit is set the entry should be displayed in the year view (providing it has a legal code field): if it is clear the entry should not appear in the year view, regardless of the value of the code field.  00001000 No alarm: this bit is set if the entry does not have an associated alarm in which case there will be no alarm field at the end of the record. If it is clear there is an alarm field immediately after the title field.  00010000 No memo: this bit is set if there is no memo associated with the entry, in which case there will be no memo field at the end of the record.  The title field The title field must be present for entry records of all four types. This field follows immediately after the details field and contains the text for the entry as well as flag for how that text should be displayed e.g. bold, italic etc. The format of the title field is: UBYTE style; UBYTE len; title text. style contains flags indicating how the text should appear. The flags are as follows: 0x01 for bold, 0x02 for underline, 0x20 for italic. len is the length of the text comprising the title, and the number of bytes following. This may take any value from 0 - 254. title text this is len bytes of the title. Note that this text is not zero terminated. The alarm field This fixed length field is only present if the attributes byte does not have bit 3 (0x08) set, i.e. there is an alarm set for the entry. When present this entry immediately follows the title field and has the following format: UWORD preTime; UBYTE len; UBYTE sound[8]; preTime is the time at which the alarm should occur given in minutes before 11.59 on the day the entry appears on. (in the case of a type-4 todo record this is the due date). This field can be between 0 and 46079 (midnight before, 31 days before the entry). len this gives the length of the sound name in the sound field. sound this is always eight bytes long and len gives the number of bytes at the start of this which contain the name of the WVE file to play for the alarm. There are a number of WVE files built into the ROM with names of the form SYS$ALnn. There are a number of reserved values which indicate other built in sounds. These are the strings one to sixteen inclusive. Currently only one, two and three are used. These correspond to the rings, chimes and silent alarms. If the name of the file is less than eight bytes long, all remaining bytes should be zero. The memo field This variable length field is only present if the attributes byte (in the details field) does not have bit 4 (0x10) set, i.e. there is a memo attached to the entry. When present this field comes at the end of the record immediately after the alarm field if there is one, and after the title field if there is not. The field has the following format: UWORD dataLength; data dataLength is the length (in bytes) of the data in the memo field. This can be between 0 and 3600 (inclusive). data is a block of data consisting of dataLength bytes containing the memo. Type 5: repeats. When an entry is repeated in the agenda a second record is written to the file, in addition to the type 1 - 4 entry record. This record contains the date to repeat until, the days to repeat on and a list of those dates for which the repeat should be suppressed. Repeat records are always paired with an entry record which has bit 0 (0x01) of the attributes byte clear. Because of the way the Series3a agenda writes the file a type 5 repeat record will always occur after the associated entry record, but this is not necessary and there is no reason why it should not occur earlier in the file. If either a repeat record is missing its associated entry record, or a repeated entry record exists for which there is no associated repeat record, then the record in the file will be ignored. The repeat record is structured as follows: UBYTE alg; UBYTE ival; UWORD endDate; UBYTE type; UBYTE tags[0-5]; ULONG filePos; UWORD exceptions[]; alg is the repeat algorithm and various flags. The bottom three bits of this byte may take one of the following values: 0 - repeat daily, 1 - repeat weekly, 2 - monthly by date, 3 - monthly by days, 4 - repeat annually. If bit 3 (0x08), of this byte is set, the repeat should only appear once in the dated views on the first occurrence after today. Otherwise all valid occurrences are shown. All other bits in this byte should be 0. ival is the repeat interval. This is zero if the entry repeats daily, 1 if the entry repeats every other day etc. A value of 255 is not valid. endDate this is the daynum of the last day on which the entry can repeat. This is not necessarily the last day on which it will appear. The start date is taken from the day value at the start of the details field in the entry record. In the case of a repeating todo this is the displayFrom field that is normally used to give the date from which to display the entry. Here it is used to determine the start date of the repeat algorithm and hence determine which due dates will be associated with the todos. To work out the display from dates for each instance of the repeated todo use the dueDate-displayFrom in the entry record to determine the number of days warning for each instance of the repeat. type is the type (1-4) of the associated entry record. This information is actually redundant since it can be determined by reading it directly once the associated record has been found but is a useful optimisation internally to the agenda. tags is a variable number of bytes which determine which days occur in the repeat sequence. The length and meaning of these bytes is determined by the repeat algorithm. For repeat daily/annually there are no tag bytes since the start date and ival determine which dates to repeat over. For weekly repeats there are two tag bytes. The first has a bit set for each day of the week on which the repeat occurs. Bit 0 for Monday, bit 1 for Tuesday etc. Bit 8 is not used and should always be 0. The second byte determines which is the first day of the week, 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday etc. This is significant when the repeat does not occur every week. A repeat which occurs of say, Tuesday and Thursday every other week, occurs on different days if the week start on Monday than it does if the week starts on Wednesday. For monthly by date repeats there are 4 tag bytes. Each bit in these bytes represents a different day of the month. Bit 0 in the first byte is the 1st of the month, bit 1 the second and bit 7 the eighth of the month. Bit 0 of the second tag byte is set if the repeat occurs on the 9th and clear if it doesn't. Bit 7 of the fourth byte is not used and should be 0. Monthly by days repeats have the full five tag bytes. Bytes 0 to 3 correspond to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th occurrences of each day i.e. Bit 1 of byte 2 is set if the algorithm repeats on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. The last tag byte contains bits set if the repeat should occur on the last Monday, say, of the month. filePos is the offset from the start of the file at which the corresponding entry record can be found. This is given in bytes from the start of the file (not the start of the data records), and gives the position of the type length word at the start of the record. Note that this mechanism of associating repeat records with the underlying entry relies on the deleted entries not being removed from the file: they are just marked with the deleted record type. exceptions The remainder of the record consists of words which are the daynums of day on which the repeat should be suppressed. The number of exceptions is determined by the length of the record. Although the Series 3a agenda currently always writes these exceptions in strictly increasing order there is no guarantee that this will always be the case, and indeed any illegal values (either out side the valid range for the agenda or on day which are not normally repeat instances) should be ignored but preserved. Type 6: anonymous data. This record type is currently not used and is set aside for storing anonymous data which should be carried with the agenda. It is intended that this information will be used by, say, conversion programs which convert other agenda file formats to that of the Series 3a allowing the file to be converted back without losing information from the original file. These records are ignored by the series 3a engine except when merging files. In this case anonymous data records from the file being merged are added to the file being merged into. Types 7 and 8: reserved These record types are reserved for future expansion and should not be used. Type 9: todo list information There is one record of this type for each todo list in the agenda. Each contains the setting for the todo list and the todo list number (as in type 4 todo records) which corresponds to the list. The format for these records is as follows: UBYTE sig; data sig a signature byte which determines the format of the rest of the record. Currently the only legal value is 0xff. data - data for the to-do list. Types 10 to 14: descriptive records. Type 10 to 14 records contain the preferences settings for the agenda (these may be set via the preferences dialog). Only one record of each type is allowed per agenda file. If there is more than one record of any type, only the last record is significant. A descriptive record consists of the usual header word followed by the record body. The record body contains either simple data or a set of type/length/value (TLV) fields. A TLV field consists of a one word header followed by the field body. The top four bits of the field header contain the field type. The bottom 12 bits contain the length of the field body. No more than one of each of the specified fields can be present in a given record. The structure of these records should not be extended (extra TLV fields should not added even though these would be ignored). Type 10 to 14 records are described in greater detail below. Type 10: styles descriptive record. The styles record contains the Memo editor preferences and its styles and emphases. The styles record gets written after a memo has been created for the first time, and thereafter whenever its content has changed. See also the Word Processor File Format chapter of the same manual. Type 11: to-do manager descriptive record. This record is written on creation of a new Agenda and so is always present. It gets rewritten whenever changes have been made. This record contains the information that the Agenda needs to determine which position each to-do list has in the to-do view. The record consists of a header word followed by a body of three bytes structured as follows: UBYTE sig; UBYTE ncats; UBYTE catid[ncats] sig is the signature and is always 0x6c. ncats is the number of categories. catid[ncats] contains category ids for each category (i.e. to-do list) in the display order. These are used to identify each record as coming from a given category in a record. Type 12: frequently changing data descriptive record. This record is written on creation of a new Agenda and so is always present. However as it contains data that changes frequently it is only rewritten when the file is closed down. This record contains zoom, wrap and status window settings for each view. It consists of a header word followed by six VIEW_SCREEN_CFG structures for the Day, Week, Year, To-do, Anniversary and List views respectively. A VIEW_SCREEN_CFG structure consists of three bytes and is structured as follows: UBYTE statmode; UBYTE wrapmode; UBYTE zoom; The statmode field is a flag for the status window. It is 0 if the status window is off, 1 if the small status window is on and 2 if the large status window is on. This flag applies to all views. In all views except the year view the wrapmode field is 1 if wrap is on, and is otherwise 0. In the year view (which does not use wrapping) the wrapmode field contains the index of the month that is displayed in the first row of the planner (0 = January, 11 = December). The zoom field takes the value 0 to 3 corresponding to Roman fonts of height 8, height 11, height 13 and height 16 displayed in the Day, Week, To-do, Anniversary and List views. The zoom field is unused in the year view entry and is set to 0. Type 13: general descriptive record. This record is written on creation of a new Agenda and so is always present. It stores data shown in the dialogs under the Preferences menu. It gets written whenever the values shown in one of these dialogs is changed. This record contains entry defaults and all individual view preferences (to-do entry defaults are stored in to-do records). Each record has the normal Agenda type/length header followed by one or more TLV fields. There are sixteen possible type fields only some of which are currently used: the rest are reserved for future use. If a field is not found the Agenda will use the corresponding default values. The fields can be in any order. Type Field  4 Diamond list setup  5 Day entry defaults  6 Anniversary defaults  7 General defaults  9 Day view settings  10 Week view settings  11 Year view settings  12 To-do view settings  13 Anniversary view settings  14 List view settings  Diamond list setup field The diamond list setup field indicates which views should be included in the diamond list. It consists of six bytes structured as follows: UBYTE fnbar[6]; fnbar contains six bytes corresponding to the day, week, year, to-do, list and anniversary views respectively. Each byte is either TRUE or FALSE depending on whether or not the view is to be included in the diamond list. Day entry defaults field The day entry defaults field contains the defaults for entries in the day view. The field consists of 38 bytes structured as follows: UWORD DefUntimedEntViewTime; UWORD DefTimedEntTime; UWORD DefTimedEntDuration; UBYTE DefTimedByDefault; UBYTE DefYearSym; AGPREF_ALARM UntimedAlarmDefs; AGPREF_ALARM TimedAlarmDefs; UBYTE style; UBYTE spare; DefUntimedEntViewTime is the default position for untimed entries in minutes since 00:00. DefTimedEntTime is the default position for timed entries in minutes since 00:00. DefTimedEntDuration is the default duration for a timed entry in minutes. DefTimedByDefault is 1 if an entry is timed by default otherwise it is 0. DefYearSym is the character code for the default year symbol. UntimedAlarmDefs contains details of the default alarm for untimed entries (see below for a description of the AGPREF_ALARM structure). TimedAlarmDefs contains details of the default alarm for timed entries (see below for a description of the AGPREF_ALARM structure). style is the style of the font used for the entry. It is 0 for normal, 1 for bold and/or 2 for underline (note: these are the Wserv G_STY_XXX flags). spare is reserved and is set to 0. An AGPREF_ALARM structure contains default alarm details. It consists of 14 bytes structured as follows: UBYTE on; UBYTE ndays; UWORD minutes; SE_SND snd; on is 1 if an entry has an alarm by default and 0 otherwise. For timed entries minutes is the default alarm time in advance. For untimed entries minutes is the default alarm time from midnight. In both cases minutes is in minutes. For timed entries ndays is unused but should be set to 0. For untimed entries ndays is the default number of days in advance. snd contains details of the default alarm sound (see below for a description of the SE_SND structure). The SE_SND structure contains details of the default alarm sound. It consists of ten bytes structured as follows: UBYTE len; TEXT name[8]; UBYTE zero_term; len is the length of the name of the alarm. name contains the name of the alarm stored as a sequence of characters. zero_term contains the NULL character. Anniversary entry defaults field An anniversary entry defaults field contains the defaults for entries in the anniversary view. It consists of 20 bytes structured as follows: UWORD DefEntViewTime; UBYTE AutoApplyYearSym; UBYTE DefYearSym; AGPREF_ALARM AlarmDefs; UBYTE style; UBYTE spare; DefEntViewTime is the default position for anniversaries in minutes since midnight. AutoApplyYearSym is 1 if the year symbol is on by default otherwise it is 0. DefYearSym is the character code of the default year symbol. AlarmDefs contains the default alarm details for timed and untimed entries (see the Day entry defaults field for further details). style is the style of the font used for the entry. It is 0 for normal, 1 for bold and/or 2 for underline (note: these are the Wserv G_STY_XXX flags). spare is reserved and is set to 0. General defaults field UBYTE p_psion_enter; UBYTE timesep; p_psion_enter is set to TRUE if psion+enter is used to complete an entry without going into the Entry details dialog. Otherwise p_psion_enter is FALSE. timesep is the character code for the Agenda time separator character. Day view settings field UWORD agnv_flags; ADENTVU_PREF left; /* left view's preference */ ADENTVU_PREF right; /* right view's preference */ The agnv_flags field contains both general view flags and day view flags (all bits not used are reserved). The general view flags are as follows: 0x01 for show appointment duration (day, list, week and year views only), 0x02 for show appointment end time (day, list, week and year views only), 0x100 for show untimed day notes (day, list and week views only), 0x200 for show anniversaries (day, list and week views only), 0x400 for show to-dos (day, list and week views only) and 0x800 for show timed day notes (day, list and week views only). The day view flags are as follows: 0x04 for title to go on right hand side, 0x08 for slot compression off, 0x10 for duration arrows off and 0x20 for show overlap bars off. left contains the preferences for the left hand side of the day view (see below for a description of the ADENTVU_PREF structure). right contains the preferences for the right hand side of the day view (see below for a description of the ADENTVU_PREF structure). An ADENTVU_PREF structure consists of 12 bytes structured as follows: UWORD flags; UWORD begintime; UWORD beginvis; UWORD endvis; UWORD endtime; UWORD slotdur; flags - flags contains a combination of the slot lines on flag (0x01) and the slot times on flag (0x02). begintime is 0 for the left hand side and beginvis for the right hand side. beginvis is the position of the first slot in minutes from midnight. endvis is the position of the last slot in minutes from midnight. endtime is right.beginvis for the left hand side and 1440 for the right hand side. slotdur is the slot duration in minutes. Week view settings field The week view settings field consists of two bytes as follows: UWORD pref_flags; pref_flags contains both general view flags (see above under the Day view settings field), and week view flags. Currently there is only one week view flag: 0x4 for show title on right hand side. Year view settings field The year view settings field consists of two bytes as follows: UWORD pref_flags; pref_flags contains a combination of the general flags (see under the Day view settings field above) for showing appointment duration and/or end time or neither. To-do view settings field The to-do view settings field consists of two bytes structured as follows: UWORD ncols; ncols contains the number of columns to be shown in the to-do view. ncols should not be more than the number of categories. Anniversary view settings field The anniversary view settings field consists of two bytes structured as follows: UWORD ncols; ncols contains the number of columns to be shown in the anniversary view (1 to 4). List view settings field The list view settings field consists of two bytes structured as follows: UWORD pref_flags; pref_flags contains a combination of general view and day view flags (see under the Day view settings field above) and the show-repeats-once flag (0x04). Print setup descriptive record - Type 14 This record does not initially exist. It is created/rewritten with a new copy of data for the Agenda print setup after using the Agenda Print setup dialog. It is also created/rewritten after a memo has been created or edited and Print setup data has been changed. Hence it is possible that the record will only contain Agenda Print setup data or Memo Print setup data. The record consists of a one word header followed by a series of TLV fields. Field types 0 to 3 and 6 to 9 are allowed. Field types 0 to 3 are used for the main Agenda print setup. Field types 6 to 9 are identical to field types 0 to 3 and are used for the memo print setup. Field type 0 Contains printer parameters in a PRINTER_PARAMS structure as returned by the PR_GET_PARAMS method of the printer active object of the FORM dyl. Field type 1 Contains printer model data from the PR_SENSE_MODEL method of the printer active object. The first byte is the model number as returned by PR_SENSE_MODEL, followed by the name, up to and including the NULL. Field type 2 Contains printer header text from the PR_GET_HD method of printer including the terminating NULL. Field type 3 Contains printer footer text from the PR_GET_HD method of printer including the terminating NULL. Type 15: illegal. This record type is illegal and is used to protect the agenda against write failures on a flash SSD. Writing to a flash SSD can fail at any time due to, say, a low battery. To protect as much as possible against this the agenda will write the whole of the rest of the record before 'blowing down' the byte containing the record to its correct value. This means that any file which contains a record with type 15 (0xf) has suffered a write failure and data beyond this point cannot be trusted. This record type is probably best thought of as an End Of File record, and any program finding a file with a type 15 record should start bet setting the end of the file to the start (the type length word) of the record. page14 page13 page1 $uv�,@88Ust font used for the entry. 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