3askel.c Skeleton program in C psionics The Psionics files aalarma.txt Asynchronous alarms agnfile.txt Agenda file format beepoff.txt Using the power off event to make beeps cfromopl.txt Calling C programs from OPL copyprot.txt Copy-protection docs copyprot.zip Copy-protection docs (compressed) defines.dbf Database of standard Psion SDK #defines embed.txt How to create and embed multi-bitmap files in a program emufaq.txt Emulator FAQ fdial.txt Extract country dialling codes from World formats.zip DBF, AGN, SPR & WRD file formats (RTF & text formats) getaevnt.txt Getting asynchronous events hasrv.h Handheld alarm server C header file makerzc.txt Making compressed resource files oopdocs.zip Psion's OOP docs oplhelp.zip OPL reference (Windwos HELP file) oplref.tcr OPL reference (TCR compressed) oscalls.txt Extended OPL OS calls panicref.zip Database of panic/error codes runopa.txt How to start programs from OPL (Pelican Software) s3opl.txt Application switching in OPL s3pics.txt Embedding PICs in OPL applications template.tif Screen template (TIF format)` wld.txt Extracting information using the WLD: device driver