#: 52693 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 06-Jun-93 23:45:07 Sb: #Embedding pics Fm: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 To: 70713,1407 Mark, Would you please share the secret of embedding pics into the OPL prog/app? Thank you. T O M * Reply: 52715 #: 52715 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 07-Jun-93 07:57:50 Sb: #52693-#Embedding pics Fm: Mark D Esposito 70713,1407 To: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 (X) Tom, << Would you please share the secret of embedding pics into the OPL prog/app? Thank you. >> I'd be happy to. I'll upload some code tonight. Basically you need a drawing program to put your icon into the upper left corner, and your images below. Next you need some code to disect the Opa and grab the images piece by piece out of the file. You could even do it with and Opo. You'de just create it as an App (Opa), and rename the file with an Opo extension. * Reply: 52838 #: 52838 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 08-Jun-93 02:48:43 Sb: #52715-#Embedding pics Fm: Chris Hennings 100010,511 To: Mark D Esposito 70713,1407 (X) Hi Mark - I imagine the code you'll be posting is similar to dw2's OPAPIC.OPL ex CIX ie using gSetOpenAddress for oplobjectfiles (not needed for .imgs as system code handles these directly). But that's not the main point ... >put your icon into the upper left corner, and your images below. You can also create your images as seperate files and then use WSPCX to link them to create a single file (the icon does have to be 1st) and then use id%=gLOADBIT(filename$,0,i%) where i% is the number of the file in the list. To create a linked .pic, first make your .pic files and then create a simple ascii text file listing their names on each line - by convention the text file has an extension of .plk eg: pics.plk would contain : ICON.PIC BACKGRND.PIC SPRITES.PIC etc. Run WSPCX -L pics.plk then generates pics.pic which can be bound into the .opa with the ICON statement. Cheers, Chris * Reply: 53102 #: 53102 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 09-Jun-93 23:23:41 Sb: #52838-#Embedding pics Fm: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 To: Chris Hennings 100010,511 (X) Chris, >>Run WSPCX -L pics.plk then generates pics.pic which can be bound into the .opa with the ICON statement. Is this the way you did it with the Minesweeper? So the separate PIC file is unnecessary after all? BTW, did you do it in OPL, in which case how did you get it to remember the last menu choice? Similarly, is it possible to control the initial choice in a dialog? Sorry -- too many questions. T O M * Reply: 53117 #: 53117 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 10-Jun-93 02:48:55 Sb: #53102-#Embedding pics Fm: Chris Hennings 100010,511 To: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 (X) Hi Tom, I can't remember if I did it for Mines (I think not) but 'twas certainly done for the Psion GamePak stuff (and the promo Enigma which is here). The advantage is of course that you don't need to have such large bitmaps open at any one time. Yes I used OPL (tho I'm pretty into the C SDK right now and champing at the bit for the rest of the OOP documentation). Various settings for mines et. al. are saved to a .dbf type file with a file type .INI. I don't think you can "remember" the last MENU selection with either OPL or the HWIF functions - but can with OOP. For dialogs, I assume you mean the initial value for a dCHOICE which as per The Friendly Manual is controlled by the value passed in choice% as in dCHOICE %choice,prompt$,list$ - this combined with the reading/writing of the .INI file is probably giving the effect you are thinking of. Regards, Chris * Reply: 53325 #: 53325 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 11-Jun-93 22:56:03 Sb: #53117-#Embedding pics Fm: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 To: Chris Hennings 100010,511 (X) Chris, >> I don't think you can "remember" the last MENU selection with either OPL or the HWIF functions How did *you* manage to? (in Mines) >> For dialogs, I assume you mean the initial value for a dCHOICE Sorry that it wasn't clear. I meant the initial line in a dialog. I suppose this problem is very much alike the one with menus. T O M * Reply: 53341 #: 53341 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 12-Jun-93 03:18:46 Sb: #53325-Embedding pics Fm: Chris Hennings 100010,511 To: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 (X) Tom - Most surprising! If I did do it (the menus I mean) I must be going backwards up the learning curve ;-) I'll look out an old copy of mines (I rarely play it now as Rattler on on of the Psion Games packs is MUCH superior - plug plug) What version of mines are you using? Chris #: 54217 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 19-Jun-93 05:18:27 Sb: #Embedding pics Fm: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 To: Chris Hennings 100010,511 (X) Chris, I figured the thing out. Menus in Mines (and, as it turned out, in all OPL programs) work exactly as they do in the built-in apps, e.g., remember the last menu choice even if you cancel (escape) the menu. The reason for that is the system -- I have 1.91F/USA. I've had the new (replacement) S3 for a relatively short time - hence the confusion. The menus wouldn't work this way on the older S3s. T O M * Replies: 54232, 54248 #: 54232 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 19-Jun-93 10:22:46 Sb: #54217-Embedding pics Fm: Rowan Prior - Psion Inc[ 75300,3133 To: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 (X) You are correct Tom. Version 1.91F/USA does indeed remember the last menu item used, even if the ESCape key is used. #: 54248 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 19-Jun-93 13:04:57 Sb: #54217-#Embedding pics Fm: Chris Hennings 100010,511 To: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 (X) Ah - there you have it! I was beginning to suspect something like that. Perhaps some further illumination on other aspects of the more recent o/s version would be interesting - Rowan ? Martin ? And I suspose you have Sheet in ROM as well (I gnash my teeth with envy every time my SSD based version gobbles that 60k). In any case I'm glad you like Mines - look out for Rattler : new graphics, auto-scrolling when clearing large areas, an auto-clear function, highscore tables, a hidden gang-screen for you to find and MUCh faster auto-clear routines which do not use recursion and so don't have the same low memory problem. Plus there's other good stuff on the Games Packs. [PlugMode=Off] Cheers, Chris * Reply: 54283 #: 54283 S7/Psion Inc. [PALMTOP] 19-Jun-93 23:14:28 Sb: #54248-Embedding pics Fm: Tom Dolbilin 72730,1176 To: Chris Hennings 100010,511 (X) Chris, Since I'm no Rowan or Martin, I can't say anything about the "background" changes in the system. What I can say though is that a currency/number formats were put under the Options menu on the System screen (the patch to do this on older S3s is in the library). Also I found that I could set the beginning day of the week (that's minor). The World database got updated as Soviet Union and Yugoslavia separated. Word now remembers whether the Status window was on or off. There's probably more. T O M P.S. I'll check out the Game Pack!