examples Collection of OPL code examples aka230.zip Variable compactor for OPL programs appman.zip Asynchronous menus & dialogs in OPL ctrlhelp.zip Implementing context-sensitive help dbs_opl.zip Using Psion's database server from OPL drawbit.zip Accessing window server functions from OPL editbox.zip Using edit boxes from OPL extndopl.zip Extending OPL with OS system calls filters.txt Info on graphics filters for OPL programmers fmtopl.zip OPL formatting utility frc.zip Using the free-running counter to implement a stopwatch help03.zip helpkit1.zip Help screen compiler ipc.zip Interprocess communications from OPL latlong.opl Extracting lattitude and longitude information from World lib24.zip A framework library for developing apps longlist.zip How to have longer lists in OPL dialogs norev14.zip Prevent reverse engineering of programs ohs20.zip Create help screens for OPL programs opaskel3.opl Skeleton OPL program opd10.zip OPL debugger opl3a.zip OPL reference database opl_asst.zip OPL programming assistant (Pelican Software) opl_cs.zip OPL Code Studio for Windows opl_lint.zip OPL syntax checking - like Unix lint opl_man.zip OPL Programming Manual opl_prot.zip Protect OPL programs from reverse translation opl_rad.zip Store & retrieve system setups oplexmps.zip Example OPL programs & documents oplref.zip OPL reference database opp16f.zip OPP - OPL translation with preprocessor capabilities psidd.zip Dialog Designer qb2opl.zip Quick Basic to OPL convertor rvtrn33.zip Reverse translate an OPL program s3atran.zip OPL translator for a DOS PC speed.zip How to sleep a background program window.zip GEM-like OPL windowing library yam13src.zip Source code for `Yet Another Minesweeper' game