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I was finding it hard when playing Morrowind to keep track of things listed in the journal that I had to complete, and those things that I had already completed. The result is this little program which reads the journal file output by Morrowind. It simply lets you mark journal entries as completed or not and view or print the journal with either completed or incomplete entries shown. The status of each entry is stored so that you can keep an up to date view of your outstanding tasks quite easily.

Journal Manager Screenshot

Journal Manager

This is a very simple-minded program for maintaining the Morrowind Journal. It lets you mark entries as complete and restrict your view of the journal to only the completed or incomplete entries. The journal is displayed using your web browser, so you can also print any of the journal views.


Unzip the files into a suitable directory. Run JournalMgr.exe


Delete the files and the directory. This program does not set any registry keys, nor does it write to any files outside of its own directory.


The journal file is located via the registry, so no configuration is required.

You can edit any of the HTML files to change the formatting of the pages. N.B. The two template files contain a dummy tag which is replaced by the journal entries, so be careful if you use an HTML editor on these files.

The only command line argument is the port number to use. If the default of 8000 is already used on your system then you can override it.

No checking is made for changes to journal entries: entries added are regarded as incomplete, but if any entries change the status for the old entries is used. To reset all journal entries to incomplete, delete the file 'Journal.dmp'

It's an 800k download, unzip into an empty directory to install, delete the files to remove it. Get it from the downloads area.


Feel free to modify and/or pass copies along to other people. All I ask is that you keep the readme file intact so that they know where to find the latest unmodified version.



Added Reload command to reread the journal file: useful if you are viewing the journal from a separate machine.


First release. Minimal functionality. Mark journal entries as completed or not. Filter view by completed status.


Some ideas for the future. These may or may not get implemented (mail me with suggestions):

  • The printable view should open in a separate window, free from frames.
  • Extract the stylesheet info to separate .css files.
  • Paramaterise the entry formatting: It shouldn't just assume the entries are going in a table.
  • The program should verify that it is reading the same journal for which it saved the status.
  • It should maintain an index mapping multiple journal files to multiple saved states. The state should include a name for each journal so you can easily tell which journal you are viewing.
  • Instead of just saving a completed/incomplete state, there should be multiple properties for each entry. Possibly should allow string properties (for categories or notes) as well as booleans.
  • User defined views. Each view needs a selection criteria e.g. Given properties such as 'blades' and 'completed' you might have criteria such as 'blades and not completed'. Each view also needs a menu caption, a title, and an associated template file.
  • Grab a Python templating system to make the template files more flexible.
  • Make the program window close cleanly under Win9x. Maybe just lose it and embed IE to make for a single app.

Printable Page