Computer History
Generated 05-02-1999 T. Milius
Changed 03-12-2000 T. Milius
- 1977 first electronical kit
- 1979 digital electronical kit
- From 1981 on first computer experience at high school with CBM 3032
- From 1983 on owner of a C-64 with Datasette, later a Floppy.
At that time excellent knowledge of C-64 Hardware-, BASIC and Assembler.
Biggest selfwritten program was a text processor
written in Forth and Assembler, also I wrote a simple database.
- 1985 at school curse based on 8085-computers, good knowledge
of hardware and software.
- 1986-1992 Study of information science at university of Hamburg
science of business as addition.
Special sections were computer graphics (2 and 3D),
static-/FEM-calculation and Operations-Research.
- From 1987 on proud owner of a ATARI-ST, later also of a
20MB harddisc. At the beginning programming of 68000-Assembler
later only C-programming.
I created a lot of various small programs and two bigger ones.
One was a net planning program using a graphical user interface,
the other was my dissertation, a nesting program called Polygonplacer.
- After study I worked form 1993 to 1998 in the EDP-department of a
company producing pipe hangers.
I was responsible at there on the adaption and expansion of the
standard-ERP-package EKS to the needs of the company. This included
the development of some EDP-organisation schemes inside the company.
- From 1994 on an Acorn RiscPC600 replaced my ATARI ST.
On the Acorn I created a simple Signum TEX to Impression Style converter,
a (slow) Fileprotection-System,
a CEPT-Decoder (which no one wanted to buy), and ein system to
realize telephone answering machines. Of course I ported my
dissertation to RiscOS. It runs on a 200 Mhz Strong-ARM approximately
100 times faster than on the ATARI ST...
- From 1998 on I am working at a
shipment company.
I am programming with EXCEL using VBA (a horrible concept ...)
or with EXCEL using Macros and the OLAP-Database TM1
(classification see EXCEL/VBA). Another area is the programming under RBASE
Again I am developing some EDP-organisation schemes.
- From March 1999 on I am also using a PSION Serie 5 pocket computer.