The "Regina"-project

Created 07-04-1999 T. Milius
Changed 10-24-1999 T. Milius

What will it be able to do

This project will realize an objectorientated database under RiscOS. The database will be not based on relational structures. In later versions object will be able to be stored on many computers transparent to programs and users. Then programs will be able to be executed on various servers and/or clients. The program is a multiuser system, supporting user depending access rights and different user languages. As user front/end dynamic HTMl will be used. This is not mandatory and does only depends on the programming of the masks. The program will support revision of objects, which will give you comfortable maintenance and expansion of programs and data. Also it will be possible to get the value of a field at a particular time. The actual concept provides flexible transactions using efficient synchronisation and flexible search structures.

A big problem at databases is the performance. I am hoping to realize an acceptable performance by usage of parallelism, efficient cacheing and good search structures.

Actual situation

The project is based on four Software-components:

  1. Requestmod basically. I hope to complete until end of 1999.
  2. A storage-maschine. Conception has been completed at 80 Percent. Programming at 30 Percent.
  3. A modul to manage dynamic HTML-Sessions. It will manage the sessions and offer support of generating the pages.
  4. The main progam. Conception has been completed at 30 Percent. Solutions are already found for the most complicated parts of the program. Programming not started yet. My hope is to be able to use a lot of the moduls developed at the other programs.

I am programming at my privat time. Delays are therefore easily possible.


If there is need, the program will provide the ability to place the objects on a lot of computers transparent to you. May be there will be a multiprocessor version too. I can think of a comfortable HTML-editor also.

Based on the database a program package to support business processes named "Queen" during project is planded. This may contain (once a time in next century) the following moduls:

What it will cost?

Totaly undecided. According to the very high amount of development I think you will have to pay for it.