Welcome to the home page of Thomas Milius

Created 07-04-1999 T. Milius
Changed 12-31-2002 T. Milius

My address is:

Thomas Milius
Tilsiter Straße 2
21680 Stade

0049 4141/65005
At workdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and at weekend.

Download of my PGP-Public-Key

My knowledge of computers, some Freeware-Downloads and informations I placed inside my computer corner.

Also there some links belonging to various themes and some small offers which coming from my own and some friends.

Comments note into my guestbook. You can also look at the comments of other persons.

The last changes at my homepage:

You are the visitor since 02-27-2000.


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