How to Use Message Suite's Web and Email Programs With CompuServe Email ======================================================================= Hi All, I've updated these instructions to cover Message Suite 1.5.  Where there's a difference in the description between 1.5 and 1.0/1.1, I've pointed out the differences.  However, the description will now primarily be aimed at 1.5 users since a) most users of these descriptions will be installing Message Suite for the 1st time and will have v1.5 to hand, and b) it's FREE software - why hasn't everyone else got it anyway!?! These instructions were originally written as a plain text file called emailcis.txt and posted to CompuServe's Psion forum in December '97.  I've updated them again and at various other times to take account of the fact that CompuServe's MAILTEST forum has been shut down and pretty much superseded by the EMAILCOM forum.  This hasn't changed the procedure - although there are now a lot more PC programs that you can use to set things up with and to read 'POP3' mail with these days.  I've also posted Emailcis.doc which is the same text as Emailcis.txt but in MS Word 6 format and includes a number of screen dumps from both the Psion and PC to hopefully explain things a little more clearly. I've had a lot of feedback from people since the original in December last year and I appreciate everyone's comments and response - please feel free to continue - all mail gratefully received! Best regards, Martin Guthrie ( 17th August 1998 Visit: for details and updates. Setting Up The S5's Internet Settings For Use With Compuserve And Using The Web Program ======================================================================================= By far way the easiest way to set up the Internet settings in the S5's Control Panel (whatever country you might be in) is to let the Message Suite install program do it for you! First run the Message Suite install program from your Win'95 PC and follow the relevant instructions. Once you've installed Message Suite onto your S5, re-run the install program and choose to install the uk-isp.sis file (or the us-isp.sis file if you live in the USA). It doesn't matter if you're in a country other than the UK or US - the settings are the same, only the dial-up phone number changes! The only other thing you'll need to configure are the Modem settings in the S5's Control panel (unless you're using one of the modems for which the settings are already supplied). These vary from modem to modem - read their instructions! If for any reason you can't get the CompuServe (UK) [or US] settings correctly set up by doing this then below I've listed all the settings and the login script for you to set up manually. NB: don't re-type the script into your S5 - copy it across using PsiWin and paste it in directly! Double-click on the Internet icon in control panel ('Network' icon in v1.0/1.1). Settings are:- Current network service: Show connection dialog: If idle, stay online for: <05:00> On exit, stay online for: <05:00> Now click on Edit. Settings for each tab are:- Service ------- Name: Connection type: Use smart dialing: Standard phone number: <+44 845 0801000> (NB: This is the UK number - use your normal CompuServe dial-up number) Account ------- Manual login:                    Username:                       <123456,7890> (Or whatever your CompuServe number ID is) Password:                        (I.e. the one they gave you - unless you've since changed it. NB: It must be short enough to fit into the S5's dialog box here. If not, it won't work - you'll need to change your CompuServe password so that it is) Confirm password:               Addresses --------- Get IP address from server:      IP address:                     Get DNS address from server:    Primary DNS address:            <> Secondary DNS address:          <> Login ----- Use login script:        Port settings:            <7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit> Display window:        Script: as below (NB: indents don't matter - they just make it easier to read!) start: LOOP 3 { SEND "."+<0x0d> WAIT 4 { "Name:" CIS } } EXIT KErrTimeOut$ CIS: SEND "CIS"+<0x0d> WAIT 10 { "ID:" login } EXIT KErrTimeOut$ login: SEND login_name$+"/go:pppconnect"+<0x0d> WAIT 10 { "word:" password } EXIT KErrTimeOut$ password: SEND login_pass$+<0x0d> EXIT failure: EXIT KErrLoginFail$ Advanced -------- Enable PPP extensions:                Allow plain text authentication:     NB: If you want your password to be encrypted then you can tick this setting if you prefer. Hopefully you'll now be able to dial up and start using the Web browser! Using The Message Suite's Email Program With CompuServe Email ============================================================= I'm assuming at this point that you've already got the Web browser program up and running via the CompuServe network on your Series 5. See above for details. This is important because it means that you've got all the network and modem settings correctly configured - so any problems getting Email to work after this shouldn't be down to either of these issues. Of course, it's not essential that you've used Web. I'm just trying to set up a 'will work under these conditions' scenario - not a 'catch every possible outcome'. There are 4 basic steps involved in getting it to work:- 1. Registering a Username on your existing CompuServe account. 2. Creating a POP3 mailbox for your Username. 3. Creating Mail-Only password access to your POP3 mailbox. (NB: See warning comments) 4. Configuring your Psion's Email program to access it correctly. 5. I know I said 4 - but these are useful hints and tips that I'll add to as and when they come up . 1. Registering a Username on your existing CompuServe account. ============================================================== This is the easy bit - and many will already have done this! Just 'Go Register' from the CIS Main Menu and follow the instructions. Registering a Username allows you to change a numeric CompuServe Internet address (eg. to a more meaningful one (eg. 2. Creating a POP3 mailbox for your Username. ============================================= 'Go INTEXPLORER' from the CIS Main Menu. Once in the forum, click on the 'Download Area' button and choose the menu option to download IE 3.02 (Win95) - English (US) - Full Install. Then 'Go VKEY' from the CIS Main Menu. Click on Download Virtual Key, Windows 95/NT, English (v 3.1.3). Now you have the latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 and Virtual Key Version 3.13 - both of which are on the freebie CompuServe 3.04 CDs being given away by every magazine at the moment. If in any doubt though, it's probably easier to use the downloadable files. I would also strongly recommend downloading either M32SETUP.EXE and V32SETUP.EXE (if using Windows'95) or M16SETUP.EXE and V16SETUP.EXE (if using Windows 3.1x). These are available from the EMAILCOM forum. 'Go EMAILCOM' from the CIS Main Menu. Once in the forum, go to file library: POP3 Email Service [12] and download. These files are graphical walk-through demos of how to set up and install the first two programs. The 1st time I tried the set-up procedure, I didn't use them - and I got it wrong! Hence I'd strongly recommend using them. Run MxxSETUP.EXE and then VxxSETUP.EXE, following the instructions in each. What you'll end up with at the end of it is an additional new CompuServe mail box based on the Username you chose in 1) above (eg. john_smith). This new Internet address / mail box will have the form (eg. and will now be (only) accessible using the Microsoft Mail program and its RPA encryption software (the Virtual Key software). Note: There are now also walkthroughs for Outlook Express, Explorer 4, Netscape 3 and 4, Outlook 97, Eudora Lite, and others. You'll still need to activate the Mail-only password access (see below) however before you can use these other programs. I've switched to using both Netscape Communicator (ie. 4.x) and Outlook'98 and I can vouch that Mail-Only password access POP3 works fine with these - although I haven't actually tried any of the associated walkthroughs for them. I haven't tried any of the other mail-capable programs and so can't vouch for their usability with POP3 - although I'd be surprised if they didn't work... 3. Creating Mail-Only password access to your POP3 mailbox (Compuserve are now calling it 'Clear Text Authentication'). ======================================================================================================================= At present, the new mailbox is POP3 compliant (as per Psion's MSGSUITE) but also requires RPA encryption access (which Psion's MSGSUITE doesn't have!). However, CompuServe have come up with non-RPA password access for email only. Using your new Internet Explorer, visit: and follow the links for POP3 settings. You should get to a page that will allow you to set up and/or change a separate mail-only password which you can then use with your Psion (or any other standard mail reading program). Additional comments: Message Suite 1.5 *does* have encrypted password capability (only v's 1.0 and 1.1 didn't).  However, at the time of this update (17th August '98), I'm not sure whether you can get away without setting up a separate mail-only POP3 password.  Since my system has now been set up as described above, I don't yet know whether I can properly test to see whether this step is necessary or not.  I do know however that following this step won't do any harm and does guarantee that the Message Suite setup will work.  If anyone can verify whether or not this step is necessary, please email me and let me know. 4. Configuring your Psion's Email program to access it correctly. ================================================================= Run 'Email' and goto Tools/Setup/emails... The settings are:- Outgoing Your name = your name (eg. John Smith) Email address = (eg. Email (SMTP) server = Use MIME encoding = Auto send on opening = Incoming POP3 server = Mailbox login = Username (eg. john_smith) Mailbox password = the mail-only password you chose in 3) above ============================= = 5. Hints and Tips Section = ============================= a) Automatic forwarding of email to your new mailbox ============================================================= If you want to automatically forward your mail to the new mailbox then connect to:- and select the "preferences" link on the left of that page followed by the "redirection" link. You can switch this re-direct facility off and on at will. b) Identifying People in Message Suite from their Compuserve Numerical ID email addresses ========================================================================================= This suggestion comes from a question Chris Hare asked. He wondered if there was any easy way to identify apart a number of Compuserve Numerical ID email addresses when they're stored in Message Suite Email. In other words, if you've got a number of addresses (, 234567,, etc.) how do you know who's who? There's any easy cheat for this. All email programs that I'm aware of (including Psion's Email) ignore anything in brackets in the address. Hence if Bob Smith has the address 123456, then you just enter his address as: (Bob Smith) 123456, into Message Suite and the Email program ignores the "(Bob Smith)" bit and treats it like an ordinary internet address. This method also works of course for some of the more obscure but supposedly descriptive internet addresses that are around these days. I believe it also works with curly and square brackets too - though I haven't tried it yet... c) 'Moving' v's 'Copying' from your Remote Mailbox in Message Suite Email ========================================================================= This is something that had me puzzled for a while. Try as I might I couldn't get the 'move' command to delete the mail in the Remote Mailbox - instead it always just seemed to 'copy' it without deleting. I thought it was a bug to begin with until I realised what was happening. The solution is once you've told Email to 'move' a particular mail, you have to 'close' the Remote Mailbox BEFORE 'disconnect'-ing. Otherwise it just doesn't fully complete the 'move' command - it only 'copy's it. Obvious and probably written up in the instructions - but hey, I'm an engineer - what do you need instructions for?!? ;-) d) MIME Encoding ================ In versions 1.0/1.1, you were best to leave the MIME encoding switched off - otherwise you ended up getting 's (carriage returns) sprinkled throughout your messages when they were received at the other end.  However, in v1.5 if you send an email with an attachment without using MIME, it'll be sent in UUEncode format - and will arrive as a load of garbled text at the end of your text message at the other end.  It can be re-constituted if the recipient knows what they're doing but it's a pain in the neck and not very user-friendly!  On the other hand, if you send a text-only message with MIME turned on, you'll get your 's back again.   Apparently Psion know about this issue and are looking to fix it in their 'next' version!  Deep joy. That's all folks - good luck! Regards, Martin Guthrie