Click here to go to the ISP Scripts & Templates section

Last Update: 1st August, 2003

This page is for anyone and everyone to contribute their favorite database file, ISP script or template, or whatever you think useful.  As long as you own or have permission to post the file, please email me a copy toAnti-SPAM email image: just type it in as you read it.  :¬)and I'll add it to the list - with full acknowledgement to the contributor of course!

Database Files:

Name Size Description Contributor Date
CF Database  New: CF Database 8k Database of Compact Flash (CF) cards detailing reported compatibility / non-compatibility with Psion EPOC machines. Martin Guthrie / EPOC community 1/8/03
Series  Series 25k Series 3 knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Darryl Kempster / Psion 20/12/00
Series  Series 37k Series 3a knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Darryl Kempster / Psion 20/12/00 30k Siena knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Darryl Kempster / Psion 20/12/00
Series  Series 36k Series 3mx knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Darryl Kempster / Psion 20/12/00
Series  Series 26k Series 5 knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Darryl Kempster / Psion 20/12/00
Series  Series 27k Series 5mx knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Darryl Kempster / Psion 20/12/00
Series  Series 25k Series 7 knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Darryl Kempster / Psion 20/12/00 15k MC218 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - taken from Ericsson's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Darryl Kempster / Ericsson 20/12/00
Wisdom v1.1  Wisdom v1.2 100k I regularly get emailed jokes and anecdotes and it's often occurred to me that I really ought to get around to formatting these and collecting them in a Data file for others to enjoy.  'Wisdom' is the 1st collection of these jokes, quotes, ditties, truisms, and anecdotes arranged into various categories.  As time allows, I'll be updating and adding to the file - I've still got lots of categories to add!  If you have any lists that you'd like to contribute, please email them to me and I'll add them in.

NB: I've tried to avoid including anything that might be deemed too offensive.  There is a section called 'Blonde Jokes' however - download at your own risk!  ;-)

Martin Guthrie 27/6/01
Murphy's Laws  Murphy's Laws 54k A large collection of Murphy's Laws that I picked up from somewhere when 'surfing'.  I'm afraid that I don't know who the author is but if they'd like to contact me, I'll be glad to add their name to the credits... Author unknown 2/3/99 95k Contains the following EPOC OPL32 Help files: S5 OPL (180 kB): Psion's OPL-reference, without Series 3-specific commands, S5 Constants (17 kB): The description of constants in Const.oph, S5 OPX (79 kB): Usage of the OPX-files in ROM plus SysRAM1.opx, S5 OPX extra (17 kB): Usage of third-party OPX's. Currently only OplDb. Willem Smouter 4/10/98
Tecno.s5  Tecno.s5 7k A database of Tecno stores in the UK. Tim Salmon 20/8/98
Jessops2.s5  Jessops2.s5 11k A database of Jessops photographic shops in the UK. Tim Salmon 20/8/98
CSi_NAmerica.s5 CSi_NAmerica.s5 78k All the CompuServe telephone access numbers in North America by city (gives baud rates and network details). Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
CSi_Non-NA.s5 CSi_Non-NA.s5 51k As above for the rest of the world. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
Emoticon.s5 Emoticon.s5 3k A collection of emoticons ('emotive icons') for your email! Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
Essences.s5 Essences.s5 6k A collection of those soul/team building phrases gleaned from the posters often displayed inside companies. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
UK_Dial_Codes.s5 UK_Dial_Codes.s5 39k STD/area codes for the UK towns and cities. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
UK_Post_Codes.s5 UK_Post_Codes.s5 61k Post (zip) codes for the UK. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98

ISP Scripts/templates:

(All files <5k unless otherwise stated)

For instructions on how to install .isp template files, see here.

For other useful information about ISP files, etc. see also Jochen Siegenthaler's site at

Name Description Contributor Date
KDT.ISP   ClubI.ISP Club-Internet, France. Jochen Siegenthaler 3/11/98
KDT.ISP   KDT.ISP Klaus Datentechnik, Wuppertal. Jochen Siegenthaler 20/8/98
Csi-CPS.isp   Csi-CPS.isp An alternative to the ISP files supplied by Psion.  This file defines an 8/N connection as required by many mobile phones (eg. Ericsson's SH888).   The login script is written for CompuServe Direct (CPS) numbers only. Jochen Siegenthaler 2/8/98
Csi-Auto.isp   Csi-Auto.isp Automatically detects and logs on via any of the following networks: CompuServe Direct network (CPS), PlusNet supplementary network in Switzerland (PLS), Equant (previously Scitor) global supplementary network (EQT), France Telecom Transpac supplementary network (FTT).  Useful for international travellers. Jochen Siegenthaler 2/8/98
Csi-FTT.isp   Csi-FTT.isp For use with the France Telecom Transpac (FTT) supplementary network in France. Contains the nationwide FTT number +33 8 36061619. Jochen Siegenthaler 2/8/98
MSN.isp    MSN.isp No phone numbers have been entered, you must enter your local phone number(s) before you try to connect. Jochen Siegenthaler 2/8/98
BlueWin.isp   BlueWin.isp BlueWin ISP. Jochen Siegenthaler 2/8/98
ZetNet.isp   ZetNet.isp Make sure you read the script and change the NAME, REGNO, USERNO and PASSWORD to reflect your ZetNet
settings. Original script written by Fred Njuki on ZetNet.
Jochen Siegenthaler 2/8/98
Uk-isp.sis   Uk-isp.sis UK ISP's.  Supports BT Internet, CiX, CompuServe (UK), Demon Internet, PsionWorld (UK), UUNet/Pipex Dial. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
Us-isp.sis   Us-isp.sis US ISP's.  Supports AT&T Worldnet, CompuServe (New York), Netcom, Prodigy Internet, PsionWorld (New York) Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
Ge-isp.sis   Ge-isp.sis German ISP's.  Supports CompuServe (DE), Cybernet AG, Metronet, PsionWorld (DE), T-Online (DT AG) Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
indigo_d.isp   indigo_d.isp Republic of Ireland.  Indigo Dublin ISP script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
iol_dubl.isp   iol_dubl.isp Republic of Ireland.  IOL Dublin ISP script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98 Singapore ISP's.  Zip file containing templates for Cyberway, PacificNet, SingNet (mbox2/mbox3), SingNet (mbox4/mbox5), SingNet (kFlex), SingNet (USR X2) Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
ClearNet.isp   ClearNet.isp New Zealand.  ClearNet ISP script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
compuserve.isp   compuserve.isp New Zealand.  CompuServe (NZ) script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
Earthlight.isp   Earthlight.isp New Zealand.  Earthlight script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
IBMnet.isp   IBMnet.isp New Zealand (and N. America I think).  IBMnet script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
ICONZ.isp   ICONZ.isp New Zealand.  ICONZ script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
IHUG.isp   IHUG.isp New Zealand.  IHUG script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
Iprolink.isp   Iprolink.isp New Zealand.  Iprolink script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
Netlink.isp   Netlink.isp New Zealand.  Netlink script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
Psionworld.isp   Psionworld.isp New Zealand.  PsionWorld (NZ) script Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
TelecomXTRA.isp   TelecomXTRA.isp New Zealand.  Telecom XTRA script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98
voyager.isp   Voyager.isp New Zealand.  Voyager script. Martin Guthrie 29/7/98 Shiva Internet router upgrade for Message Suite (Shiva on corporate networks or ISPs can cause problems in Message Suite v1.0 and v1.1 - fixed however in v1.5 and above so it isn't required).  (22k file) Martin Guthrie 29/7/98

How To Install .isp Files:

  1. Copy the .isp file into a folder on your EPOC machine (any folder - but remember where you put it!).

  2. Open the Control Panel

  3. Double-click on the Internet icon (called 'Networks' on ER1-3 machines)

  4. Click on 'new' (Ctrl+N) and select 'Settings from file'

  5. Find the .isp file you copied and click 'OK'

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