Colour Icons for your Extras bar - all free!Colour Icons for your Extras bar - all free!


Colour Icons for the Psion Series 7 / netBook / netPad

Page Created: 26th February, 2003

Last Update: 10th April, 2004

Presentation     RMRZip     BusyView     EBook     Phrase     psiMind     Street     Tomeraider

Would you like to replace the greyscale icons on your Extras bar with colour ones?

I was pondering the Extras bar of my netBook the other days (as one does...) and thinking "isn't it a shame that more authors/software houses haven't/didn't release their applications with colour icons for the Extras bar for us netBook/S7 users..." when it dawned on me that this is something that can be fixed retrospectively. It's a fairly simple matter for someone with a little understanding of how EPOC works to generate replacement .aif files for applications which will replace the greyscale icons with colour ones. Hence I set about doing this for some of my favourite apps.  Also, I had a feeling this might be a fairly popular idea. It was one of those 'light bulb' moments when - just for an instant - something becomes unusually clear...

Hence here's a collection of replacement Extras bar icons (aif files) for you to download and use to replace icons on your machine.  Some also include colour patch files to add colour graphics and/or toolbar icons.

File #1: 'A' - 'F':

The zip file currently contains: 5outhPark, 2ConnectYou (+ patches), abp5, Agenda+, AgnClean, AgnPrint, Atmos5, Bandit, BatCheck (+patch), Bible, Biklog5, BridgePro, BusyView, BW (Business Warrior), CalcCRC, CalliGrapher, CapsView, Cbeam, Charmap, Chess (PurpleSoft version), CleanIt, CleanMe, Collins Dictionaries (a collection of replacement .aif files for all 7 of the Collins Dictionaries - together with 2 alternatives), Compactor, Conquete, Convert5 Pro (+patch), Converter (+ patch), ConvertPro (+ patch), CountSigns, CronTab, CrossWord, Crypto, DataSafe, DayCount (+patch), DCP, DSTEdit (+ patch), EasySwitch, EBook, Encrypt (2 versions), EpocBackup, EnRoute, EpocSync patch, Essential Disk Utilities (ChkDisk, DiskEdit, Optimize, and SmartFmt + 2 sets of patches), EnRoute (aka Route- original 'Highway+Bridge' icon plus newer TomTom 'hands' icon), Expenses (+ patch), ExtraBars, FastBackup (alternative icon), FavDat5, Fax, FileDump, (+ patch), FileLink, FileSwitch, Find, 3x Flashback (+ patch), Fleurs, FlFinger (+ patch),  FlWorld, FlWorld (alternative .aif + patch), flyTerm, FreeCell (+ patch), FreeCrypt, FreeMem, FrotzS5, and FTP Server (+ patch) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file.  (250Kb)
File #2: 'G' - 'N':

The zip file currently contains: GaRoute, Golf, Graph32 (+ patch), Hermes, HauntedHouse2, Hol5, IcaCli, iLaunch, Invader5, JB5StopGo, JB5Utils (+ patch), JTelnet, Julian, Klip, Lingo, Line, LittleSense, Locker, Lotto5, Luach (+ patch), Macro5 (3 versions), MailArc (+ patch), MakeOver, MailArc, Mentor, Metro, Metsvins, Michelin (Mrg), MindMap, MindTools (a collection of 4 .aif files and 3 colour patches for the MindTools suite of programs - ActionPlanner, Brainstormer, and CreativeMind), Mobireader (+ patch), Money (+ patch files), Monopoly, Movie, MSN Messenger (+ patch), MyEpoc, nArchive, Navigator (+ patch), NetUtils (+ 2x patches), NightClock, NightKeys, Notepad (+ patch), nSwitcher and nZip (+ patch) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file.  (236Kb)
File #3: 'O' - 'Q':

The zip file currently contains: Ocean, Ocean5gb, Odyssey, OptionApp, OPXScan, PBConvert, PdbRead, PDF (+patch), PDF+ (+ patches), PGP (+ patch), 2x PhoneMan (+ patch), Photopal (+ patch), Phrase, Plan, plOpen, Porfolio, PocketChess, PowerBase (+ patch), Presentation (+ patch), ProLingua (+ patch), PsiBio (+ patch), PsiList, psiMind (+ patch), 2x PsiWallpaper, Psynergy, Quad, QuickList3, QuickNote, and QuoteOn - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file.  (168Kb)
File #4: 'R' - 'Z':

The zip file currently contains: Realmaps, Reclaim, RecycleBin, RegEdit, RMRDraw (+ patch), RMRFile (+ patch), RMRFTP (+ patch), RMRNews (+ patch), RMRRCG (+ patch), RMRZip (+ patch), S5Dive, SafePlace(+ patch), SameGame (+ patch), SaveMail, SeaPad, ShopCL, Sierra7, Signit, Silan, Simon (+ patch), SmallBase (SB), SolarMap, SolitaireDX, Solun, Sound Master (+ patch), SoundTrans, SpellX, Start5, StartUp, Sticker, StopWatch, Street (+ patch), SunStar, Symlink, SysBack, Terra Force, TheDialer (+ patch), ThesLink, Tomeraider (+ patch), Tourmate, Trivia, TunePal, vCal, Vexed, Vins, VoiceMan5, VNC, Voyage5 (+ patch), VReader5, Xjmail, X-LinK (XC), xPen (+ patch), XTM, Yacht, WAPBrowser (+ patch), WinMail, and Z80 (+ patch) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file.  (318Kb)


Colour Synchronised Email:


If, like me, you use the Psion Email synchronisation software to sync Outlook email with your Psion's Email program; you may have noticed that the icons for the sync'ed email are in B/W. It occurred to me that these could probably be coloured and Lewis Barton very kindly agreed to create some colour replacements...  Installation instructions are in the Zip file and there's a choice of 3 schemes!  (6Kb)

Latest Updates

10th April 2004:   18 new colour icons plus 2 colour patches added:- Bandit (courtesy Lewis Barton), Bible (courtesy Lewis Barton), FavDat5 (courtesy Lewis Barton), hsViewer (courtesy Lewis Barton), FastBackup alternative icon (courtesy Lewis Barton), Julian (courtesy Lewis Barton), Klip, Lingo (courtesy Lewis Barton), Macro5 (revised again - much prettier), MyEpoc (courtesy Lewis Barton), nArchive (courtesy Lewis Barton), nZip (+ patch - courtesy Colin Messer), OptionApp (courtesy Lewis Barton), PBconvert, PDF (+ patch - courtesy David Steer), Psynergy (courtesy Lewis Barton), Quicklist3 (courtesy Lewis Barton), RMRDraw (fixed), SeaPad (courtesy Lewis Barton), Silan (courtesy Lewis Barton), SolarMap (courtesy David Steer), SolitaireDX (fixed), Symlink (fixed), VoiceMan5 (courtesy Lewis Barton), Xjmail (courtesy Lewis Barton)

This brings the total up to something like 219 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 71 colour patches for programs.
16th September:   4 new colour icons plus 6 colour patches added:- Fleurs (courtesy Jack), FTP Server (new patch file - courtesy Roel van Deinsen), NetUtils (new patch file), NetUtils (2nd version patch - courtesy Simon Johns), Notepad (new patch file), Safeplace (+ patch file - both courtesy Simon Johns), VNC (fixes original colour icons), Z80 (+ patch file - both courtesy Simon Johns)

This brings the total up to something like 201 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 69 colour patches for programs.
12th August:   3 new colour icons plus 5 colour patches added:- BW (Business Warrior - new .aif file), CalcCRC (new .aif file - courtesy Lewis Barton), MobiReader patch (added to existing .aif file - courtesy Simon Johns), PDF+ (non-shimmering version of the icon + top-toolbar patch - both courtesy Lewis Barton), WAPBrowser (new colour patch files - both courtesy Lewis Barton), Presentation Maker (new colour patch file - courtesy Lewis Barton).  This brings the total up to something like 197 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 63 colour patches for programs.

I've also split the 2 zip files into 4 - to try and keep the file sizes down to almost manageable proportions!

2nd July:   Minor update: The icons for EBook and ExtraBars have been upgraded to preserve the MIME recognisers so that they both now work as per the original grayscale versions.
27th June:   8 new colour icons plus 6 colour patches added:- EnRoute (courtesy Max Westen), FlashBack (Icon + Colour Patch - courtesy Max Westen), GaRoute (Icon + Colour Patch - courtesy Max Westen), PhoneMan (Icon + Colour Patch - courtesy Max Westen), PsiWallpaper (courtesy David Steer), Quad (courtesy Steve Hodgson), RMRRCG (Icon + Colour Patch - courtesy Matthew Walters), SameGame (Icon + patch files - courtesy David Steer), Street (colour patch files - courtesy Lewis Barton).  This brings the total up to something like 194 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 58 colour patches for programs.

Also uploaded some new patches for colouring the synchronised Emails on your Psion - see above.  Courtesy Lewis Barton.

6th June:   Added a colour patch for Psion Monopoly.  As this is a reasonably large file, I've added it separately here on the page.  Credit must go to Lewis Barton (Spam-proof address - type it as you read it...  :¬)) for his help in creating much of this patch.  Lewis contributed many of the bitmaps and most of the ReadMe.txt - not to mention many hours worth of advice.  Thanks Lewis!
2nd June:   10 new colour icons plus 14 colour patches added:- 5outhPark (courtesy Tony Cabot), Convert5 Pro (colour icon and patch file - both courtesy Steve Hodgson), DSTEdit (colour icon and patch file - both courtesy Steve Hodgson), Essential Disk Utilities colour patches (courtesy Lewis Barton), alternative Essential Disk Utilities colour patches (courtesy David Lir), FreeCell (colour icon and patch file - both courtesy Michael Degn), Invader5 (courtesy Tony Cabot), Lotto5 (courtesy Steve Hodgson), MailArc (colour icon and patch file - both courtesy Lewis Barton), PsiList (courtesy Michael Degn), PsiBio (colour icon and patch file - both courtesy Michael Degn), RMRDraw (colour icon and patch file - both courtesy Michael Degn), Tomeraider (an improved version of my original icon - which it's now replaced - courtesy Steve Hodgson)

This brings the total up to something like 186 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 52 colour patches for programs.
16th May:   18 new colour icons plus 10 colour patches added:- BatCheck (+patch - both courtesy David Lir), Biklog5 (courtesy Jaap Laméris), CapsView, Cbeam (courtesy David Lir), Converter patch (courtesy David Lir), ConvertPro (upgraded patch - courtesy Ric), DayCount (+patch - both courtesy Ric), EpocSync patch (courtesy David Lir), FileDump patch (courtesy David Lir), FlashBack (+patch - both courtesy David Lir), FreeMem (courtesy Tony Cabot), JB5Utils (+patch - both courtesy David Lir), Luach (+patch - both courtesy David Lir), Navigator (upgraded patch - courtesy Ric), Ocean5gb (alternate version of Ocean - courtesy Tony Cabot), PsiWallpaper (courtesy Tony Cabot), QuoteOn (courtesy Ric), RegEdit (courtesy David Lir), Sierra7 (courtesy Ric), Start5 (courtesy Tony Cabot), SunStar (courtesy Ric), TheDialer patch (courtesy David Lir), Tomeraider patch (courtesy David Lir), Vins (courtesy Ric), WinMail (courtesy David Lir)

This brings the total up to something like 176 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 38 colour patches for programs.

1st May:   24 new colour icons plus 3 colour patches added:-  Atmos5 (courtesy Ric), CleanMe (courtesy Ric), CountSigns, Expenses (+ patch), Find, FlWorld (courtesy Lutz Stepputtis), FlWorld (alternative .aif + patch - both courtesy Simon Johns), FlFinger (+ patch - both courtesy Simon Johns), FreeCrypt, Golf, JTelnet, MailArc, Metro, Michelin (Mrg), MindMap, Movie, Odyssey (courtesy Ric), OPXscan, Solun (courtesy Lutz Stepputtis), S5Dive (courtesy Ric), Signit (courtesy Ric), SpellX, Sticker, TunePal

This brings the total up to something like 158 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 28 colour patches for programs.
18th April:   A bumper upload today!  36 new colour icons plus 10 colour patches:-  2ConnectYou (+ patches - courtesy Egon Widmer), AgnClean (courtesy Egon Widmer), AgnPrint (courtesy Egon Widmer), Charmap (courtesy Michael Degn), Collins Dictionaries (a collection of replacement .aif files for all 7 of the Collins Dictionaries - together with 2 alternatives courtesy of Michael Degn), Compactor (courtesy Michael Degn), CountSigns (courtesy Egon Widmer), DataSafe (courtesy Tony Cabot), Encrypt (courtesy Michael Degn), Encrypt (2nd version - courtesy Egon Widmer), Flashback (+ patch - both courtesy Egon Widmer), Graph32 (+ patch - both courtesy Michael Degn), HauntedHouse2 (courtesy Egon Widmer), Hol5 (courtesy Egon Widmer), iLaunch (courtesy Egon Widmer), Macro5 (another version - courtesy Markus Heinermann), MindTools (a collection of 4 .aif files and 3 colour patches for the MindTools suite of programs - ActionPlanner, Brainstormer, and CreativeMind- all courtesy Michael Degn), PGP (+ patch - both courtesy Michael Degn), Photopal (+ patch - both courtesy Egon Widmer), PocketChess (courtesy Michael Degn), Realmaps (courtesy Egon Widmer), RMRFile (+ patch - both courtesy Michael Degn), Voyage5 (+ patch - both courtesy Michael Degn), VReader5 (courtesy Markus Heinermann)

This brings the total up to something like 134 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 25 colour patches for programs.  The zip file was getting so large I've split it into 2 - but not as I originally proposed below.  Rather I've done it alphabetically as this makes the split much more balanced in terms of file size.
14th April:   Added icons for: Navigator (+ patch - both courtesy Ralph Sprenger), RecycleBin (courtesy Egon Widmer), RMRNews (+ patch - both courtesy Simon Johns).  Also, I've written an article for FoxPop explaining how to generate these replacement articles.  I've also uploaded a copy of the article to my Martin's Musings page here.  Since the zip file above is getting pretty big, I'll probably split it into two soon also.  One file for all the individual .aif files and the other for colour patches.  Just to make life easier.  :-)
7th April:   Added icons for: abp5, CalliGrapher, Chess (PurpleSoft version), CronTab, Fax, Line, LittleSense, NightClock, Ocean, ProLingua (+ patch - both courtesy of Egon Widmer), QuickNote, Sound Master (+ patch), Terra Force (courtesy of Simon Johns)
31st March:   Added image of an example Extras bar below so that people get an idea of what some of the icons look like in advance...
28th March:   Added icons for: FTP Server, JB5StopGo, Metsvins, Mobireader, NetUtils, PowerBase (patch to add to existing aif - courtesy of Michael Degn), RMRFTP (+ patch - courtesy of Egon Widmer), Simon (+ patch - courtesy of Egon Widmer), StartUp, TheDialer, xPen (+ patch - courtesy of Egon Widmer)
15th March:   Added icons for: CleanIt (+ patch - courtesy of Simon Johns), ConvertPro (patch), CrossWord, EasySwitch, EpocBackup, flyTerm, IcaCli, MSN Messenger (+ patch - courtesy of Simon Johns), Navigator, PhoneMan (+ patch - created jointly with Simon Johns), PowerBase, Reclaim, RMRFTP, StopWatch
10th March:   Added icons for: Agenda+, Conquete (courtesy of Michael Degn), NightKeys, nSwitcher, SmallBase (SB), ThesLink, X-LinK (XC), and Yacht.
7th March:   Added icons for: BridgePro, ConvertPro, ExtraBars, FileDump, MakeOver, and vCal.
3rd March:   Added icons for: Essential Disk Utilities (ChkDisk, DiskEdit, Optimize, and SmartFmt), EnRoute (aka. Route - original 'Highway+Bridge' icon), FileLink, Money (+ patch files), Monopoly, PdbRead, Plan, plOpen, ShopCL, SoundTrans, and WAP.
NB: EDU, Money, and plOpen kindly contributed by Simon Johns (
28th Feb 2003:   Added icons for: Locker, Tourmate, XTM, and Converter.

So there you have it.  I'll be adding more icons, etc. as I go on so check back for regular updates.

Want to see what some of the icons look like?  Click here for a look at a fully-stocked Extras bar!



I've also put together a complete SimCity upgrade. It's a big zip file (403Kb) so I've kept it separate from the rest. The blurb from the ReadMe.txt (in the zip file) is as follows:-

"This is really a collection of updates. The first is Atelier's own free upgrade from v1.0 to v1.1 for SimCity ( and allows the programs to run on revo's and Osaris's (Osari?). It's also a prerequisite for the colour upgrade. contains the colour upgrade as created by 'Gaz & Chris' - I take no credit for it whatsoever. It upgrades the whole program with colour tilesets that look quite superb on the Series 7 / netBook. Last but not least (well, maybe...) is my own contribution - a colour aif file to replace the standard one which - for some reason - 'Gaz & Chris' haven't done in their version."


Monopoly          Colour patch for Monopoly

This colour patch for Steve Godfrey's version of Monopoly for the EPOC platform is NOT his own (much fabled) patch. His patch apparently upgraded Monopoly to play in colour and to use all the available screen on a Series 7 / netBook but he was allegedly prohibited by Psion from publishing it. Instead, this patch only colours (most) of the program and does nothing in terms of changing the screen area it plays in (since that information is buried inside the program itself). However, the colourisation of the game DOES make the game more playable on the colour EPOC machines. For further details, download the file and read the ReadMe.txt file...

Credit must go to Lewis Barton (Spam-proof address - type it as you read it...  :¬)) for his help in creating much of this patch.  Lewis contributed many of the bitmaps and most of the ReadMe.txt - not to mention many hours worth of advice.  Thanks Lewis!


So how's it done?  How do I create colour program icons for my own use?

I've written an article for FoxPop explaining how to generate these replacement articles.  I've also uploaded a copy of the article to my Martin's Musings page here.  I also now have my own program - IconPatcher to help with the process.


Want to see what they look like?

I was asked recently if I could show a preview of all the icons so people could see them before they downloaded the file.  Well, showing every single icon would take almost as long to download - so instead I've got an image of my Extras bar with many of the coloured icons on it.  These aren't necessarily all the applications I use on a regular basis - and it's certainly not all of the icons that've been colourised - but it makes for a nice'n'easy way of showing quite a few of the icons off in their 'natural habitat'!


A full extras bar of colour!

A full Extras bar of colour!



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