Pscience5's Freeware and Shareware Links page...

Useful Web Links

Last Update: 28th August, 2003  (133 Links)

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These are just a few of my favourite EPOC links.  Email me if you'd like your site on the list.  I've also got a couple of button-sized Pscience5 logos - and one animated one - in case you'd like to link to the site (or update an old link).  So if you'd like to link to Pscience5, please have a look at my Link to Pscience5 page...

EpocZone EpocZone (contains lots of good stuff - including an excellent 'WebWatch' facilty - Jon Read) FreEPOC FreEPOC (The first freeware-only software house)
EPOC Software Updated: EPOC Software (The definitive source for all freeware and shareware programs) 3-Lib 3-Lib (Steve Litchfield)


JBSoft (John Boyce's site with all his excellent freeware utilities for the Series 3/a/c/mx and Series 5) EPOC Boulevard EPOC Boulevard (French site - Gérald Aubard - Psionist)
PieCafé Takeaway The PieCafé Takeaway (More freeware for the Series5 - David Rushall) Andy's Psion Series 5 Site Psionology (Andy Nott)
Neuon Neuon (A software house supporting both freeware and shareware) Pascal Nicholas's Homepage Pascal Nicholas's Homepage - Home of the excellent Macro5 and other programs (no longer updated but still an extremely useful site)
RMRSoft Al Richey's RMRSoft is one of the leading shareware houses for EPOC software.  Many, many useful applications - check it out. EpocCity EpocCity has become 'SymbCity' - A news & software listings site (from the author of EpocAsia - Justin King)
Fox Pop Updated: Fox Pop (Monthly reviews and articles on everything in the EPOC and palmtop world - Elizabeth Liddell) Portal.PDA.Com Portal.PDA.Com - Ung Ruey Loon's PDA site with lots of useful information and guides - many of them in PDF format.
Psion PLC Psion PLC EPOC+Plus EPOC+Plus (Jason Kneen)
John McAleely's Psion Pages John McAleely's Psion Pages Zur Psionseite Zur Psionseite (German site - Thomas Schmidt)
Psionet Psionet (Psion in South Africa) Psion Pages Psion Pages (Hungarian / English)
Nivlem Inc. Nivlem Inc. (George Cooke) PsiBank PsiBank home page (Home of Armand van der Giesen's excellent freeware bank accounting program)
MemoWare MemoWare: A large collection of reference documents - many of which can be viewed using Jean-Luc Damnet's excellent freeware VReader5 (v2) or Simon Quinn's Ebook... abp5 Home Page abp5 home page  (Home of Malcolm Bryant's excellent freeware banking program)
Mondo~Psion Mondo~Psion (Italian Site - Salvo Micciché) SIT5 SIT5 (Italian Site - Filippo Zerboni)
Pocket Info Pocket Info (Steve Litchfield / Psion) EPOC32 Freeware EPOC32 Freeware (A number of nice programs here)
ArmLink ArmLink (John Woodthorpe) Books & Psion Epocbooks: (Italian/English site containing etexts for use in Jean-Luc Damnet's excellent Vreader5 - Costantino Muzio)
Connect.S5 Connect.S5 (Home of the excellent freeware Crossword program: Clueless by Damien Lewis) Impasse Psion Impasse Psion: (French site - Christophe Cordonnier)
Izzy-Hack Software Izzy-Hack Software (Freeware site & co-developer of Start5 - Ewan Spence) - Advanced Computer Services - Home of Advanced Computer Services (Check out Alex Skilton's excellent freeware: Converter and QuickSuite)
Kebestin Software Products Kabestin Software Products (Useful shareware and freeware) Home-made Software 'Home-made Software' (Fred Botton's  page for his excellent freeware games)
ProSoft ProSoft (Freeware programs - Gary Ewer) Psion Place PsionPlace (A semi-commercial Psion site)
Tixy's Psion 5 Pages J.D.Medhurst's site for his superb freeware programs (Quicknote, Filedump, FileLink, Fileswitch, etc.) and tips FreeByte Psion Freeware @ 'FreeByte' (A collection of freeware utilities and games from various authors)
@lchemy @lchemy (Psion's Malaysian distributor - has a download page of freeware software titles)  (Philipp Salvis's home page - download his excellent Crypto and StartUp freeware programs)
Scientific and engineering software for Handhelds & Palmtops Scientific and engineering software for Handhelds & Palmtops (Freeware & shareware programs - Johannes Homan) Psion Computers: Mobile Communications Psion Computers new 'Mobile Communications' site
Frevo Frevo - a Revo site listing freeware for the Revo (Christopher Hurley) The Seven Site The Seven Site - a site dedicated to the Series 7 (Eirik Newth)
RevoWorld The RevoWorld site (Jason Kneen) PsionWelt PsionWelt (German Psion site run by Thomas Schmidt)
Fredy's Psionseiten/News Fredy's Psionseiten/News (Fredy's Psion Site/News - Fredy Ott) Ericsson's MC218 Software Downloads Ericsson's site for downloading their MC218 software
Symbian Developer Network Symbian's Developer Network site (aka EpocWorld until recently) Kevin Millican's Home Page Kevin Millican's Home Page (author of PassThru, RealMaps, PsLight5, and various hints & tips pages)
Twiddlebit Software Twiddlebit Software (Home of OPL+ and other shareware programs) Psionhits und tips Psionhits und Tips (German - Ueli Dauwalder's home page)
EPOCGamer EPOCGamer (Darren Prescott's site for reviewing EPOC Games) Thouky's Home Page Thouky's Home Page (home of PsiFS - the freeware Risc OS connectivity program - essentially PsiWin for Risc OS)
Jochen's Web Site Jochen is back!  The welcome return of Jochen Siegenthaler to the Psion scene... Psiloc PsiLoc - A Polish site (also in English) writing some innovative software. Axel Vorbauer's site - home of the rapidly growing and useful 'SwitchOn'. Pdf - The PDF reader for EPOC Pdf - The PDF reader for EPOC
PDA Geek PDA Geek (industry PDA news and gossip) Simon Quinn's Ebook Simon Quinn's site for the excellent Ebook v2.3 (was shareware but now free!)
HZK Software HZK Software (useful freeware from Roger Muggleton) Opera web browser for EPOC Opera Software (download the Opera web browser for EPOC - now available as time-limited shareware)
Bando's Page Bando's Page (a Japanese language Psion page - run by Hiroaki Bando) Paul Vigay's site Updated: Paul Vigay's Psion and Acorn site
Balchie Home of Richard Balch's QuikList3 (shareware) Peter Csutora's site Peter Csutora's web site (various freeware & shareware programs)
EPOC Chat EPOC Chat (a chatroom open every Sunday evening - UK time) PocketIQ PocketIQ (a shareware house with some freeware programs)
Phil Spencer's home page Phil Spencer's home page (various freeware & shareware programs) Andrew Johnson's Canon Bubblejet drivers Andrew Johnson's Canon BJC-80 Printer Driver for EPOC
Jim Pollock's Infrared Site... Jim Pollock's Infrared site (useful infrared programs for EPOC & SIBO) Blue Binary Updated: Blue Binary (Daniel Sissman's homepage with his collection of freeware and shareware programs)
Ralph Sprenger's web site Ralph Sprenger's web site (home of freeware programs: OPXScan, Compact, and Backup - highly recommended utilities!) Series 7 FAQ New site of SiBO's Series 7 FAQ...
Palmaris Ltd. Palmaris Ltd.  The EPOC site for all things medical (plus links to many other medial EPOC sites). HP Printer driver for ER5... Andrew Johnson's HP Printer Driver for EPOC (fixes the HP printing bug on ER5 machines)
Psioneer Web RIng... The Psioneer Web Ring - links to all the sites on the ring. TomeRaider Site of the excellent TomeRaider application - access massive amounts of data quickly on your EPOC machine...
The Psion 5 Web Ring The Psion 5 Web Ring - links to all the sites on the ring. FinCalc

FinCalc - Greg Love's financial calculator site

EPOCWARE EPOCWARE - a new shareware house with some freeware also (home of Color Magic, Recycle Bin, etc.)

UPS5 Digest Archive

An archive of all the Unofficial Psion Series 5 Digest's... Adam Dawes's site / home page - called HandHeld Crime - an excellent (& free) series of crime stories for downloading and reading on your PDA.
XnView XnView - a freeware image file viewer which can convert images to and from EPOC mbm (wallpaper) format - Pierre-e Gougelet WinPic WinPic - another freeware image file viewer which can convert images to and from EPOC mbm (wallpaper) format - Richard Wakelin MundoPsion - a Spanish language Psion site Huub Linthorst's site Huub Linthorst's website for his programs
Rüdiger Walter's Homepage Rüdiger Walter's Homepage (in German) Corisoft Corisoft - home of ProjXpert (succesor to QuickP), DCP, Business Warrior, and Trip+ (Shareware by Eric Sebban)
Novateh Novateh - a new site writing some interesting freeware. Gareth Brandwood's site A few useful databases at Gareth Brandwood's site here...
Epoc and Psion Eric Lindsay's site - very useful reference and lots of links. Palmanac Palmanac - a site specialising in Series 7 and netBook games & utilities.
'Top 100 Psion Sites' 'Top 100 Psion Sites' - a site listing various Psion sites. Mike McConnell's web site Updated: Mike McConnell's very useful site - including various notes on getting connected to various ISP accounts.
ZenoByte ZenoByte Ltd. (formerly SG Software) - home of PhoneMan and PGP for EPOC amongst others) The Nautical Psion Web Site The Nautical Psion Web Site - French & English
MobiPocket MobiPocket - Multi-platform text reading software Palmware Palmware - a multi-platform software development environment (i.e. allows programs to be written which will work on many machines - inc. EPOC)
A wallpaper site for the revo / mako Revo Wallpaper - a wallpaper site for the revo / mako (adult content) Osaris Online Osaris Online - back after a change of URL (but seemingly not undated since last year)
Psioneering - The new web location for the new Psion Digest (an ongoing emailed FAQ covering Psion computers - well recommended!) Pete Sipple's Psion Pages Pete Sipple's Psion Pages - BankPlus software, links, plus details of how to get online.
The Psion File - EPOC freeware from Neil Thompson.

Philip Bister

Philp Bister's website for his EPOC freeware.
d & g upgrades d&g upgrades website - internal memory upgrades for revo's, 5mx's, and 5mxpro's. FatCatz FatCatz - Various hi-quality freeware and shareware EPOC programs. - a pda-optimised portal / web site by Kartsten Koos SymbianPages SymbianPages - a Symbian-run website listing ER5 and ER6 software.
PalmTime PalmTime are back (their previous web site has been off-line for a long time).  Excellent mix of shareware and freeware - check it out! AlarmPlus AlarmPlus - Robin Hood's excellent (and free) utility for controlling your alarms and system restores - see the other programs from him and 'King Midas' there too.
PsiWin 2.x A FAQ on PsiWin 2.x and various other Psion-related pages. Useful 'Tech Support Page for GSM Data Stuff'! - get the latest free download of IrCOMM from here too... The bizarrely (but amusingly) named  A collection of EPOC-related pages - including the 'Series 7 knowledge base'. "Psion Software, Modules and Bits & Bobs..."  (5Talk, 5creen and the 'PopUp' module for OPL programmers - All Freeware! - Mark O'Neill)
Peter's Place Want to play Doom directly on your Psion?  Peter's place is where to go...! EPOC FAQ(ish) A large FAQ of lots of EPOC-related questions - a very useful reference.
netBook Mods Max Westen's new site for software that he's updated for use on netBooks/Series 7s

Totally Trygve 

A (largely) Psion-related site.  Current home of HTMLEdit (freeware) and other Psion software.
Niklas Larsson's website Niklas Larsson's website - with various useful programs for CAD and eText reading on EPOC Andrew Gregory's Webpages Andrew Gregory's Webpages - some really useful freeware SIBO and EPOC programs and other stuff here
Sebastian Mate's 'Fresh Software' Home of PsiMIDI (MIDI player for EPOC), PsiBridge, and other useful things... Jaap Laméris's Homepage Jaap Laméris's homepage - home of BikLog, SailLog, and Atmos.
JS Solutions Jakub Šmolík's website - home of WinEPOC and jsLogix amongst others... The Wikipedia Wikipedia on Pocket PC, Palm and EPOC OS.  The 'Wikipedia' is a massive online encyclopedia (you can add entries to it online).  It's captured periodically by Erik Zachte and made available as an almost equally massive Tomeraider file (116Mb at last count).  Large CF card definitely recommended!  :¬)
StamPark New: StamPark - home of 5FX for the EPOC range of computers. Psion New: Psion - the home of the Psion Computer Journal & Psion Computer Society (a new magazine and club dedicated entirely to Psions)
Neil Sands' programs New: Neil Sands' programs: ContactLoader, KeyboardClick, Guitar, ColourMix, and others...


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