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Page Created: 14th August, 2002

Last Update: 5th November, 2002

Compatible with: Nokia 9200 Series communicators (9210, 9210i, 9290)

Clock6 running on a 9200 series communicator

Clock6 running on a 9200 series communicator.

Latest Updates

5th November:   Clock6 has been updated to v1.10.  This version adds some colour support, more formatting options, day and date view, and some fixes for earlier versions of the Communicator firmware.
14th August 2002:   Well at long, long last - and with the vast majority of the effort coming from my friend and colleague, Ewan Spence at FreEPOC - Clock5 has been ported to ER6.  It's still a fairly basic port and doesn't have many of the features of its 'older brother'.  You can choose between a 12 or 24 hour clock, and set up a hot key that will bring up the time.  That's it!  However, this is how Clock5 started off and if there are particular features that you want to see added quickly then please let me and/or Ewan know.
Download Clock6 v1.10.  Click on the icon:-

Click here to download (11Kb)

NB: Clock6 requires the OPL runtime to be installed on your Communicator. This is available as a free download from Symbian.

Click here to get Symbian's OPL runtime...

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