Macro5 - It's Alive!
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I've updating Pascal Nicolas' excellent Macro5 program for FreEPOC and so here's the first upgrade to have it. Essentially it's better support the ER5 colour machines (netBook, Series 7, netPad, etc.).
Changes since Pascal's v2.40:-
- New improved colour icon
- Task switching indicator now at bottom of screen for larger machines
- Coloured bars, tabs, etc. in all views, shadowing and masking fixed for icons in Graphic view
- Removed 'Preferences' option in menu of colour machines since doesn't apply
- Sysinfo.sis and sysram1.sis files incorporated into main Macro5.sis file
- Updated Macro5Lib files to allow for larger screen machines
- Updated Help file
- Added FreEPOC 'About' screens

So what's next?:
Possible updates planned for future releases:-
- Revo compatibility
- Ability to move Macro5 around the screen
- Full silkscreen support
- Maybe some other stuff ;¬)
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