PmUL(l @ @" 1A*00<>X$,$>(.0"(HKVw2 Small Analog KVw3Digital Seconds KVw4Digital Minutes KAlms1Alarm sounds are on KAlms2Alarm sounds are off KAlms3!A quiet period is in effect until KAlms4Alarm # KAlms5 is not set. KAlms6is set. KAlms7is set but disabled. KAlms8 Set Alarm KAlms9 Toggle Alarm KAlms10 Cancel Alarm KAlms11Sound KAlms12Esc/Done KAlms13Set (or change) an alarm A 6,$..   KSavSysSaving settings KInit Initialising KCancelCancel KOKOK KEnPwEnable PasswordKHideC5 Hide Clock5 KAlmsAlarms KClsClose KAnlgAnalog KBigBig KTinyTiny KDigDigital KSecSeconds KMinMinutes KMysMystify MA 22$*"$ $$(2.4KSingPSingle Polygon KMultPMulti Polygons KLogsLogos KRLogRun Logo KCLog Choose Logo KVwView KCalCalendar KSetsSettings KPOPower On KST Sleep Time KNC NightClock KSD Sweet Dreams KVwOpViewing Options KSetPw Set Password KSysPwSystem Password KExtsExtrasA@<:*:&<@08 H>F&KSD2Sweet Dreams terminated KSD3Sweet Dreams settings KSD4Type of Sweet Dreams KSD5LED,Beep,VoiceKSD6LED,BeepKSD7Sweet Dreams active? KSD8 No,Yes,TimedKSD9Sweet Dreams On-time: KSD10Sweet Dreams Off-time: KVO1Viewing options KVO212 or 24 hour clock KVO3 12hr,24hrKVO4Display alarm symbol if set KVO5Mystify line thickness KVO6Months on view in Calendar KVw1 Big Analog ;@O&F!@.12@`0UB j\n&(N6b>KAlms14 Alarm number KAlms15Time KAlms16Date KAlms17 Occurrence KAlms18.Once only,Next 24 hours,Daily,Weekly,Work daysKAlms19Text KAlms20-No alarms are set - nothing to enable/disable KAlms21Disable alarm number KAlms22Enable alarm number KAlms23enabled KAlms24disabled KAlms25Enable/disable alarm number KAlms26or KAlms27Alarm to toggle KAlms28%No alarms are set - nothing to cancel KAlms29Cancel alarm number B`KAlmspKNC1@KSD7PB)KSD8KSD9=KSecKSetPKSetsKSingKSTKST1KST2KST3KST4KSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysPKSysP;KTinyKVerKVO1KVO2KVO3KVO4KVO5KVO6KVO7KVO8KVwKVw1KVw2KVw3KVw4KVwOpB&@KAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlms9KAnlg:KBigKCal KCal1 KCal2 KCal3 KCal4 KCal5KCal6KCal72KCancKCLogKCLogKCLog8KClsKDays<KDig5KEnPwKExts6KHideKHlp1KInitKLogs>KMinKMontKMult?KMysKNCKNC1KNC1?KMysKNCKNC1B'PKNC2KNC3KNC4KNC5KNPw1KNPw1KNPw1KNPw1KNPw1KNPw1KNPw1KNPw1KNPw2KNPw3KNPw4KNPw5KNPw6KNPw7KNPw8KNPw93KOKKPOKPO1KPO2KPO3KPO4KPO5KPO6KRLog0KSavSKSDKSD1KSD10KSD2KSD3KSD4KSD5KSD6KSD7=KSecKSetPKSetsB pKAbtKAbt1KAbt2KAbt3KAbt47KAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKAlmsKExts6KHideKHlp1KInitKLogs>KMinKMult?KMysKNCKNC1@  Table1 "Constant dEnglish dTarget dComment d@    OOOO    OOOOx@iTable1ColA9 ColB9ColA10 ColB10ColA11 ColB11ColA13 ColB13 Index1ColA9A*6.6,4R8KAlms30 cancelled KAlms31Alarm to cancel KAlms32 Alarm sound KAlms33On,Off,Silent forKAlms34 Silent for EKAlms359Silent,Chimes,Church bell,Fanfare,Rings,Signal,Soft bells4Names of internal alarms in ROM (shown in Time app.)KCLog1Choice of Logos KCLog2 Bitmap too large - using defaultKCal1AM KCal2PM KCal3st KCal4nd KCal5rd KCal6th KCal7A new day dawns... WB $44*6:@2@46pxVKNPw5Password KNPw6Confirm password KNPw71st keypress entryKNPw8 Keypress beepKNPw9Clock5 Password SetKNPw10No password entered!KNPw11Password not confirmed!KNPw12Password not setKNPw13Hence password disabledEKNPw14 Enter Clock5 password^Spaces have been used here to improve the look 'on-screen' - they can be omitted if necessary.KNPw15Nothing to deleteKNPw16Incorrect PasswordKSysPw1,Your system password is set (or has changed) KSysPw20It could cause a conflict with Clock5's password KSysPw3(See the Help file for details) >C * (xJ&4:@BLD:KAbt About Clock5 KVerVersion KHlpHelp KAbt1 (Freeware) EKAbt2" The first password protectedThis phrase goes together with the next one (KAbt3) on the 'About' screen. If the length of KAbt2 > 30 characters then Clock5 will use smaller font for both phrases to try and help fit them in.EKAbt3' screensaver for the Series 5... "uSee previous comment. Spaces have been used here to improve the look 'on-screen' - they can be omitted if necessary.KAbt42Visit the Pscience5 web site for regular updates:- KST1Duration of background sleep KST3 Enable sleepKPO1Power On settings KPO2Foreground at Power OnKPO3Auto Password at Power OnKNPw1Clock5 Password Enabled KNPw2No password has been chosen! KNPw3Clock5 Password Disabled KNPw4Set Clock5 Password wAbDF