The Pscience5 Beta PageSpace Invader5

The Space Invader5 Page

Page Created: 22nd April, 1999

Last Update: 29th February, 2002

What is Space Invader5?

Not surprisingly, it's a Space Invaders clone for the Series 5.   The program is fairly complete and has already undergone some initial closed beta tests but I'm releasing it as a public beta purely to chase out any last 'undocumented features' that I'm not yet aware of (as well as the ones that I am!) - and because people have asked me to.   I'll post incremental fixes here for download until v1.0 is 'officially' released...


Download:  (85.6Kb)
Click on the Alien to download
v0.90ß of Space Invader5

Compatible with: Psion Series 5 Psion 5mx Geofox Ericsson MC218

(NB: Space Invader5 is not compatible with the revo/mako)

Please Click here to email me me at Anti-SPAM email image: just type it in as you read it.  :¬) and let me know what you think - it's SmileyWare after all!  ;-)

Program Status:

There are still a few known (but relatively minor) bugs and they are documented here.  If you find any more, please let me know and I'll add them to the list of things to fix.  :-)

Version: Release: Tentative Timescale:
v0.1ß-v0.75ß Not for release.  All the preliminary programming and bug-fixing prior to initial testing. Done
v0.76ß-v0.88ß An initial closed beta test to weed out the worst of the bugs that I haven't spotted and to help set the game-play levels correctly (speed, difficulty, etc.).   Done
v0.90ß  (Current version) Public beta release.  Just to root out any final bugs. Now!
v1.0 Full release. Sometime, maybe...  ;¬)


The Startup Screen

The Startup Screen

Ooops - didn't get out of the way in time!

Ooops - didn't get out of the way in time!

Bombs away!

Bombs away!

Not many left now!

Not many left now!

Missiles away!

Missiles away!

A Space Invaders clone for the Series 5 !

Space Invader5 - early movement screenshot...

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