MacFive Text Extras

Macintosh to Series 5 plain text conversion

MacFive Text Extras contains two utilities that convert plain text files between the Series 5 and the Macintosh.

About plain text files

Plain text files do not contain any style information. On the Macintosh they can be created by SimpleText, or by any word processor by saving the current document as "text only". Their file type must be 'TEXT'. On the Series 5, plain text file are exported from the Word application using the "Export as text file..." option.

Macintosh to Series 5 plain text file conversion

To convert a plain text file from the Macintosh to the Series 5, just drop the Macintosh text file onto the "MacToFive Text" applet. The converted file will be placed in the folder of the applet. The plain text file can then be transferred to the Series 5 and imported into a Word document by using the "Import text file..." option.

Series 5 to Macintosh plain text file conversion

To convert a plain text file from the Series 5 to the Macintosh, drop the file onto the "FiveToMac Text" applet. The text can then be imported into any Macintosh word processor.

Technical details

Platform : Macintosh
Format : download only
Languages : English


WARNING : The MacFive Text Extras are provided as-is, free of charge, without any warranty, and are totally unsupported. Please do not contact Atelier Software for technical support on this freeware.

Download Mac5Text.sit (92K)


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