... on SimCity Classic™

April 1999

The temptation to take out your Psion to start playing again at every opportunity can be overwhelming."

The Guardian - Online section
— JE

April 1999

This is a superb, meticulous, conversion of an excellent game and truly merits the "Classic" tag...Thanks to Atelier Software, I'm completely hooked on building and running cities once more."

Acorn-Psion Link Site
— John Woodthorpe

March 1999

SimCity is easily one of the best games for EPOC, Atelier Software have put together a masterpiece that no one should miss"

Planet Epoc Review
— Ben Vaisil

March 1999

It's hard to imagine anything more sophisticated being possible ... For now this is the last word in Series 5 games"

Palmtop Magazine Issue 22 — Steve Clack

March 1999

Whoever first thought of porting the game to the EPOC platform was a genius who could see through trivialities to what really matters in our computer games"

5 stars: a great idea flawlessly executed.

5 Foxes: total compatibility and full use of the larger screen.

FoxPop Review — Tom Stoneham

March 1999

Im Endeffekt ist SimCity Classic für EPOC32 genau das, was die englischsprachigen Autoren vor mir auch schon festgestellt haben: DAS Spiel für den PSION Serie5. An dieser Applikation werden sich die anderen Spiele, die dieses Jahr hoffentlich noch erscheinen werden, messen müssen"

PSI-Factor Review — Ingo Fechtel

March 1999

Alles in allem ein absolut gelungenes Game, das zu den Highlights im Softwarebereich für den Serie 5 zählt."

PsionWelt Review — Thomas Schmidt

February 1999

The most comprehensive and ambitious EPOC game yet created, Atelier Software's commercial SimCity is entertaining, clever, challenging and long-lasting - all at the same time"

3Lib A-List
— Steve Litchfield

February 1999

Un coup de maître ... La barre est désormais placée très haut pour les autres éditeurs, car que vous ayez joué à Sim City Classic sur PC ou non, vous allez adorer ! "

Le 5ème Site — Gérald Aubard

December 2184

Office of the Mayor of the City of MadMarksburg"
"To the residents of this fair city..."

Planet Epoc Review — Mad Mark

February 1999

Tremendous respect and admiration for the size and scale of this game ... The attention to detail, the animation graphics, the sound effects all combine to make it a thrilling experience. And all on a machine which is so small!"

5 stars for a totally absorbing game
5 Fox gods for complete Fox compatibility - it should really be 6, as the screen display is better than on the Psion 5!

FoxPop Review — Elisabeth Liddell

February 1999

I cannot recommend this game enough, it isn't a case of 'do I want this' it's a case of 'when do I get this'. It's awesome, addictive, challenging, relaxing and involving... SimCity is original at present on the 5 and will undoubtedly be the biggest seller this year"

5Alive Review — Jody Armstrong

February 1999

In a nutshell, I support all those people who praised SimCity as THE game for the Series5 ... This game already was a success on the PC, and I am sure that it will be another success on the Psion"

PDA Dash Review — Ingo Fechtel

February 1999

Put simply, SimCity is fast, addictive, fun and almost definitely on my credit card bill!"

5Alive First Impressions — Stefan Smith

February 1999

"Possibly the best game yet for the Series 5, and the standard against which every other leisure release of 1999 will be judged"

3Lib Review
— Steve Litchfield

February 1999

"Beta : SimCity est tout simplement fabuleux! nous en reparlerons dès que possible."

Le 5ème site — Gérald Aubard


... on CalliGrapher®

December 1998

"This article was written entirely with Calligrapher. Half way through, to my amazement, I was writing complete sentences without getting any mistakes at all."

Pen Computing — Mark Esposito

September 1998

"This program is quite simply the best handwriting recognition system I've ever seen implemented. Period. No training. No need to write any differently. Just write."

5Alive News — Stefan Smith


... on Essential Disk Utilities

April 1999

"A vital tool to have on hand if you ever hit a file system problem while miles from your PC backup."

3Lib review — Steve Litchfield


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