Hi there, if you are viewing this page it can mean only one of two things; you want to complain about something, or you just want to chat. Hopefully it is the latter :-)

Shown below are my current contact addresses. Please note that I prefer to be contacted either through email or ICQ...

  Email Details...
E-Mail - 1 
You can use this address for Registration queries, questions on OPL and just general chat.
E-Mail - 2
Please use this email address for any Planet EPOC specific things, such as Software Review requests.

E-Mail - 3

For anything Neuon related, please don't hesitate in contacting me on this address!

ICQ Details
ICQ - My ICQ Number is 19083122. 
The above applies here. If you don't yet have ICQ,
GET IT !!! ICQ is a wonderful program brought to us by Mirabilis, and is simply a must have in this day of computing and Internet communication.

Do you want ICQ on your Series 5? If so, check out for further details!!

Snail Mail

My address is as follows:

Gary Belcher 
11 Derwent Road 
Please note that this form of communication does not rank high in my favourites list. If you want to send me a message in this form, fine, but please enclose a nominal fee of GBP 2 or US$ 4 for stationary and postage fees. I'll need this to reply to your letters.

Online Support form
Below is an online support form to be used soley for queries relating to my applications! Please fill out all the fields, and then press the "Submit" button:



Application :

Comments :

Copyright 1998-9 Gary Belcher