
Here are the answers to a few questions that existing users have sent in about RockFall:

I have downloaded RockFall but cant install it, what do I do?

When you have unzipped the file you will be left with a pe_rf105.sis file. If you have PsiWin v2.1 or above then you should be covered and can click on the pe_rf105.sis from either your PC or the Psion. This will start up the EPOC installer program and the rest is easy. However, if you do not have PsiWin 2.1 or above then you need to get your hands on the "Add remove control panel" add-on. This can be obtained from Psion free of charge and I have even made a nice link for you here (58k).

Basically you copy this file to your Psion and double click it... thus adding the "Add remove control panel" add-on to your Psion. However, if you are an information junkie like myself and want to browse through the official manual on the program that you may want to look here (3k).

When you have added the program mentioned above, you can copy the pe_rf105.sis file onto your Psion and double click it, starting the installation process.


I get an error saying "OPX does not exist", what do I do?

If you get this error when running RockFall, there is no need to panic. You Psion is not broken in any way =) Please run the sysram1.sys in the same fashion as pe_rf105.sis


My question is not answered here, what do I do?

Just send me an email and I will reply promptly with an answer to your question.



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