There isn't much in this Python implementation that is specific to Epoc, at least
not yet, but what there is is documented here.
EpocTerm module
This module contains the following functions:
- x, y = GetCursorPos()
- Returns the current cursor position
- SetCursorPos(x,y)
- Sets the current cursor position.
- SetCursorPosRel(x,y)
- Moves the cursor relative.
- SetCursorHeight(h)
- Sets the height of the cursor. h is percentage of cell height.
- SetTitle(title)
- Sets the window title.
- ClearScreen()
- Clears the screen.
- ClearToEndOfLine()
- Clears to the end of the line.
- x, y = ScreenSize()
- Returns the current size of the screen image (not just the visible part).
- ch = GetCh()
- Waits for a character and returns it. Return 255 for pointer click.
- x, y = GetPointerPos()
- Returns last known pointer position.
- b = KeyHit()
- Returns 1 if GetCh() will return immediately.
- KeyModifiers()
- Returns key modifiers (shift is 0x400, ctrl 0x80 see e32keys.h in the SDK
for the full list) Also valid for pointer.
- KeyCode()
- Returns raw key code from last GetCh call.
- SetAttr(attr)
- Set attributes for text output to window. 0=normal, 1=bold, 2=underline,
4=inverse, 8=italic, 0x10=Right indicator(whatever that is), 0x20=Top
of double height, 0x40=bottom of double height, 0x60=double width,
0x80=colour (background << 4 | foreground | 0x80).
- SetFont(size, [face, [file]])
- Change the screen font, clears and resizes screen. The face defaults
to "Courier". The name of a GDR font file may be given as the
optional third parameter. The size is in twips, i.e. points*20.
PyEikon module
This is a somewhat experimental module in that it is a .PYD DLL. So far it
only has 3 functions:
- StartDoc(docname)
- Opens a document.
- StartExe(exefile, args)
- Runs an EXE with specified arguments.
- verstring, major, minor, build = Version()
- Returns the version number from EikonEnv.