Symbian Foundation announces application publishing program
Helping Developers Reach the Largest Population of Mobile Customers in the World
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – MobileBeat Conference – July 16, 2009 – The Symbian Foundation today previewed Symbian Horizon, a break-through application-publishing program on schedule for general availability in October 2009. With Symbian Horizon, developers will receive assistance in building applications for Symbian devices and in placing those applications in the many global stores which reach Symbian customers, and will receive promotional assistance for bringing those applications to end users. The goal of Symbian Horizon is to reduce barriers to success, while increasing the profitability of creating and delivering Symbian applications.
Upon general availability, companies and developers participating in Symbian Horizon will gain access to a variety of services that support the development, distribution, and marketing of mobile applications. From application certification and in-store presence, to language translation services and marketing programs – Symbian Horizon works with developers to create a single point of management and distribution to the largest group of mobile consumers worldwide.
According to a recent Gartner report , the Symbian OS on which the foundation's open source platform is based is installed on over 70 different types of mobile handsets across 26 countries, and Symbian accounted for 49.3% of the worldwide smartphone market share in the first quarter of 2009. The Symbian platform is highly mature and has a long history of supporting multiple applications running concurrently, internationalization and power management. These are critically important elements of smartphone application development which are not offered by other platforms. And Symbian is the only platform that supports a comprehensive runtime suite including Java ME, Adobe Flash Lite, native Symbian C++ and OpenC/C++, Python and a full web toolkit.
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