Keywords can be subdivided into functions, which return a value, and commands, which do not. In practice you use functions and commands together, often using functions as if they were commands, ignoring the values they return.
This chapter lists all the keywords, grouped according to their purpose. Use this chapter if you know what you'd like to do, but not which function or command will do it.
The chapter which follows this one lists the keywords alphabetically, with explanations and full specifications.
Repeat a set of instructions DO...UNTIL WHILE...ENDWDo either one set of instructions or another set, or IF...ENDIF another, or another..
Go... a specified label GOTO one of a list of labels VECTOR/ENDV the end/start of a repeating set of instructions BREAK, CONTINUE ...back to the calling procedure RETURN
End the program STOP
Error handling
Raise an error RAISE
Put an explanatory comment in your program REM
Declare an error-handler ONERR
Let the program continue after an error TRAP
After an error, find out what the error was ERR, ERR$
Screen and keyboard control
Display a string to be edited and get a value from the EDIT keyboard
Get a value from the keyboard INPUT
Display text, numbers etc. PRINT
Set screen update method gUPDATE
Pause... ...for a number of seconds PAUSE
...until a key is pressed GET, GET$
Position or hide the cursor AT, CURSOR
Clear the text window CLS
Sound the buzzer BEEP
Set the size/position of the text window SCREEN
Get information on the text window SCREENINFO
Set text window font and style FONT, STYLE
Find out which key was pressed, if any KEY, KEY$, GET, GET$
Find out what combination of modifiers was pressed KMOD
Disable/enable stopping from a running program ESCAPE Off/On
Turn the Series 3a off OFF
General file management
Copy a file COPY
Delete or rename a file DELETE, RENAME
Check to see if a certain file exists EXIST
Find out what files there are DIR$
OPL procedures and modules
Set up a procedure cache CACHE
Load an OPL module file so you can use the LOADM procedures in it
Remove a module from memory UNLOADM
Data files
Create a new data file CREATE
Use a different data file that has been opened USE
Copy a data file, optionally appending to another data COMPRESS file, and removing deleted records
Once a data file has been OPENed, you can:
Make a new record APPEND
Change a record UPDATE
Search for those records which contain a certain string FIND, FINDFIELD
Erase a record ERASE
Move to a different record {FIRST, LAST, NEXT, {BACK, POSITION
Count the records COUNT
Find whether you're at the end of the file yet EOF
Find the current record number POS
Find the number of bytes used by the current record RECSIZE
Managing directories
Create directory MKDIR
Set current directory SETPATH
Remove directory RMDIR
Declare variables
Find how much free memory there is on a device
Specify a device or file to print to LOPEN
Close the print device or file opened with LOPEN LCLOSE
Print to a device or file LPRINT
Trig functions {COS, SIN, TAN, {ACOS, ASIN, ATAN
Convert between degrees and radians RAD, DEG
Other functions
Raise e to a power EXP
Logarithms LN, LOG
Pi as a constant PI
Square root SQR
Use random numbers RND, RANDOMIZE
Unsigned integer/pointer arithmetic UADD, USUB
Lists of numbers
Find the greatest or smallest value in the list MAX, MIN
Average the list MEAN
Add up the list SUM
Find the standard deviation or variance STD, VAR
Changing the format of numbers
Knock the minus sign off a number ABS, IABS
Take whole number, removing any fractional part INT, INTF
Convert... integer into floating-point FLT integer into a hexadecimal string HEX$ ...a number into a string {FIX$, GEN$ {SCI$, NUM$ ...a string into a number EVAL, VAL
Copy characters from a string LEFT$, MID$, RIGHT$
Repeat a string REPT$
Make a string upper or lower case LOWER$, UPPER$
Find out... long a string is LEN ...the character code of the first char of a string ASC
...where a certain string is within a string LOC
Convert... ... a string of digits to a number VAL ...a number to a string {FIX$, GEN$ {SCI$, NUM$ Get the character with a certain character code CHR$
Date and time
Find out the current date and time... a string DATIM$ ...just the current time {SECOND, {MINUTE, HOUR ...just the current date DAY, MONTH, YEAR
Find out... ...the number of days between two dates DAYS ...what day of the week, or what week number, a certain date falls in DOW, WEEK
Express... ...1-12 as the name of a month MONTH$
...1-7 as a day of the week DAYNAME$
Convert between time formats {DATETOSECS {SECSTODATE
Drawing commands
Set current position gAT, gMOVE
Draw a line gLINEBY, gLINETO
Draw a sequence of lines gPOLY
Draw a rectangle {gBOX, gBORDER {gXBORDER
Fill a rectangle gFILL
Invert a rectangle gINVERT
Scroll a rectangle gSCROLL
Get current position gX, gY
Display a running clock gCLOCK
Draw a 3-D button (key) gBUTTON
Draw a lozenge gDRAWOBJECT
Displaying graphics text
Display a list of expressions gPRINT
Display text in a cleared box gPRINTB
Display text neatly clipped gPRINTCLIP
Find width required by text gTWIDTH
Display text underlined/highlighted gXPRINT
Setting styles
Set font to use gFONT
Set to user-defined fonts {gLOADFONT {gUNLOADFONT
Set graphics to set / clear / invert points gGMODE
Set text to set / clear / invert / replace points gTMODE
Set text to bold / underline / inverse / double / gSTYLE mono / italic
Windows and bitmaps
Create a new window gCREATE
Set position and/or size of a window gSETWIN
Set order to show windows gORDER
Get order of a window gRANK
Set window visible / invisible gVISIBLE
Get screen position of a window {gORIGINX {gORIGINY
Create a bitmap gCREATEBIT
Load a bitmap from file gLOADBIT
Clear a window / bitmap gCLS
Save window / bitmap to bitmap file gSAVEBIT
Close down a window / bitmap gCLOSE
Set which window / bitmap to use gUSE
Set grey on/off in a window {gGREY {DEFAULTWIN
Fill an area with repetitions of another window/bitmap {gPATT
Copy an area from one window/bitmap to another gCOPY
Read data back from a window / bitmap gPEEKLINE
Get ID number of a window / bitmap gIDENTITY
Get size of a window / bitmap gWIDTH, gHEIGHT
Get status information about a window/bitmap and about the cursor gINFO
Create a sprite CREATESPRITE
Define bitmap-sets for a sprite {APPENDSPRITE {CHANGESPRITE
Draw a sprite DRAWSPRITE
Set a sprite's position POSSPRITE
Set which sprite to use USESPRITE
Close a sprite CLOSESPRITE
Start a new set of menus mINIT
Define a menu mCARD
Display menus MENU
Start a new dialog dINIT
Position a dialog dPOSITION
Define text for a dialog dTEXT
Define an edit box for a dialog dEDIT
Define a secret edit box for a dialog dXINPUT
Define a filename edit box for a dialog dFILE
Define a choice list for a dialog dCHOICE
Define a numeric edit box for a dialog dFLOAT, dLONG
Define a date/time edit box for a dialog dDATE, dTIME
Define exit keys for a dialog dBUTTONS
Display a dialog DIALOG
Display a simple "alert" dialog ALERT
Status Window
Display/hide status window STATUSWIN
Get status window information STATWININFO
Set a program's name SETNAME
Initialise a
on a
Screen messages
Display information messages GIPRINT
Display `busy' messages BUSY
Advanced use
Run machine code USR, USR$
Find out where a certain variable is in memory ADDR
Store a value in a specific place in memory POKE commands
Find out the value stored at a certain place in memory PEEK commands
Open any type of file IOOPEN
Read from a file opened with IOOPEN IOREAD
Write to a file opened with IOOPEN IOWRITE
Close a file opened with IOOPEN IOCLOSE
Position within a file opened with IOOPEN IOSEEK
Keywords which provide low-level access to the Series 3a
Call an operating system service CALL, OS
Perform an aysnchronous I/O function IOA, IOC
Cancel an aysnchronous I/O function IOCANCEL
Wait for completion of a function performed by IOA {IOWAIT or IOC {IOWAITSTAT
Signal completion of an I/O function IOSIGNAL
Ensure an asynchronous handler runs IOYIELD
Perform a synchronous I/O function IOW
Perfom an asynchronous keyboard read KEYA
Cancel a KEYA KEYC
Get command line information CMD$, GETCMD$
Parse a full file specification PARSE$
Check for system events {GETEVENT {TESTEVENT
Mark an OPA as locked or unlocked LOCK
Get system-level info on data files ODBINFO
Find category handles FINDLIB, GETLIBH
Create new objects NEWOBJ, NEWOBJH
Send a message to an object {SEND, ENTERSEND {ENTERSEND0
Allocate a heap cell ALLOC
Free an allocated cell FREEALLOC
Change size of allocated cell REALLOC
Insert or delete section of cell ADJUSTALLOC
Find length of allocated cell LENALLOC
Remove returned procedures from a cache CACHETIDY
Read cache index header CACHEHDR
Read cache index record CACHEREC