--------------------------------------- Dumping to Chip_2003-08_cd1 using drive "E":... --------------------------------------- AppVersion x86, AnsiBuild, 20210701T212154 /c2 val2 was omitted. set [0] h:\dump\Chip_2003-08_cd1\ doesn't exist, so create. CurrentDirectory d:\Program Files\DIC WorkingPath Argument: h:\dump\Chip_2003-08_cd1\Chip_2003-08_cd1.bin FullPath: h:\dump\Chip_2003-08_cd1\Chip_2003-08_cd1.bin Drive: h: Directory: \dump\Chip_2003-08_cd1\ Filename: Chip_2003-08_cd1 Extension: .bin StartTime: 2022-03-08T16:29:49+0100 Set the drive speed: 2822KB/sec This drive can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 0] This drive can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 1] This drive can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 2] This drive can read data sectors at scrambled state [OpCode: 0xbe, C2flag: 1, SubCode: 4] Checking reading lead-in -> OK Checking SubQ adr (Track) 1/ 1 Checking SubRtoW (Track) 1/ 1 Reading DirectoryRecord 993/ 993 Set OpCode: 0xbe, SubCode: 1(Raw) Checking SubQ ctl (Track) 1/ 1 LBA[359568, 0x57c90]: [F:ProcessReadCD][L:318] Opcode: 0xbe ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 05-21-00 = ILLEGAL_REQUEST - LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS OUT OF RANGE Creating .scm (LBA) 359567/359567 No C2 errors Copying .scm to .img Descrambling data sector of img: 359567/359567 Exec ""d:\Program Files\DIC\DIC_202107\EccEdc.exe" check "h:\dump\Chip_2003-08_cd1\Chip_2003-08_cd1.img"" FILE: h:\dump\Chip_2003-08_cd1\Chip_2003-08_cd1.img Checking sectors: 359567/359567 [NO ERROR] User data vs. ecc/edc match all Creating cue and ccd (Track) 1/ 1 Creating bin (Track) 1/ 1 Hashing: Chip_2003-08_cd1.scm Hashing: Chip_2003-08_cd1.img Hashing: Chip_2003-08_cd1.bin EndTime: 2022-03-08T16:47:19+0100 AppVersion x86, AnsiBuild, 20210701T212154 StartTime: 2022-03-08T16:47:21+0100 EndTime: 2022-03-08T16:47:24+0100 1 file(s) copied. Completed Press any key to exit