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Index |
Welcome to the Sourceforge Linux7k website!
Page last updated 01/03/2001
Linux7k is a project to port the unix-like operating system Linux to a small group of palmtops. The "7k" in the name comes from the processor 'macrocell' (central architecture), which is the Cirrus Logic PS-7110 chip. This architecture is currently used in the Psion Series 5 and Geofox One palmtops.
Good news. The Series 5, 5mx and Series 7 are all supported by Arlo 1.2 (on the S7 the bootstrap is not performed correctly, as it reboots straight away).Arlo home page
The kernel (2.4.1) is booting and mounting initrd, this is great news for
all you lucky 5mx owners out there, find the patches at www.muru.com/armlinux/.
Psion has *finally* released part of the information to make this possible, we hope that this
is the start of a trent to help the ports to other machines in the psion range.
We hope that Psion will eventually realize the benefits in working with the Open Source community, in the manner shown by other makers of handheld computers. If you feel that Psion is being too slow on the uptake the site www.handhelds.org contains information on other Linux-friendly vendors.
As it stands, the kernel port is pretty much complete
for the Psion 5 (2.1 kernel), the Psion 5mx has the 2.4.1 kernel booted.
There are several small ramdisk images to choose from but no official
or easy distribution. If you are looking for an easy way to boot Linux on your
psion you're in the wrong place but with a bit of reading and work it is possible
to boot and run Linux. The Revo, Series 7, and other Psion models are not currently functional The Geofox is depreciated due to the withdrawal of the product line.
We finally have a version of ArLo working on the
Series5mx! The kernel (2.4.1) is booting and mounting initrd, this is great news for
@Update site with new HOWTO
@a18 1
CD-R available
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a26 6
I have just copied the site over from Calcaria, it is in the CVS tree,
thanks to Paul Maddox who released this site, the content is still mostly the same and
so all credit must go to Paul. I hope by bringing it into the sourceforge
project that we can begin to see the site grow by allowing multiple authors. To quote
Paul's original comment "Sorry it's taken so long". ncatlow@@users.sourceforge.net.
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Series5mx! We now need to make the necessary changes to the 7110 kernel to
allow ArLoMX to load it. A great thanks goes out to Peter van Sebille, as well
as many others!
Page last updated 04/09/3/00
When this project started, Psion provided a limited amount of hardware configuration information on their Series 5 handheld. This, in combination with the fact that the Series 5 used a commercially-available system chip (which had publicly-available documentation) allowed the project members to port the Linux kernel to the Series 5. You can learn more about that effort (and download the software) from this site.
However, the newer Series 5mx and 5mxPro do not use a commercially-available system chip. In addition, requests to Psion for hardware configuration information on these units have gone unanswered. Therefore, without Psion's assistance, it is unlikely that a port to the '5mx will be successful.
We hope that Psion will eventually realize the benefits in working with d44 2 a45 2 computers. The site www.handhelds.org contains information on other, more Linux-friendly vendors. d49 7 a55 4 for the Psion 5, the Geofox is depreciated due to the withdrawal of the product line. There is at least one Linux distribution being developed for the architecture, and work is under way to develop a GUI specifically intended for palmtops, PDAs, and embedded systems. a58 7
Booting mini-HOWTO @ 1.3 log @More pratting about - NC @ text @d5 2 a6 3
I thought the page could do with a bit of a facelift, and definitely an update of information! Sorry it's taken so long. As usual, I'm happy to take comments and suggestions, at my usual address paul@@calcaria.net. d43 1 a43 1
We finally have a version of ArLo working on the d46 16 a61 10 as many others!
Why a Psion/Geofox?
Unlike many of the Series 5's (alas no longer Geofox's) competitors, Psion support the project, and have provided technical help. Also, Psion are more free in the information available regarding their palmtops. Especially regarding architecture.
Note. When I mention "competitor", I refer to lesser machines. Clearly once one has used a Psion, they will not go back to these inferior devices. I mention no names. :-) d65 1 a65 1 for the Psion 5, and the Geofox is close behind. There is at least one d74 1 a74 1
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This website is © Copyright Paul
@Initial revision
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@NC - Initial playing with CVS
@Initial mirror of calcaria site
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This website is © Copyright Paul