Opera Web Browser
Archived manually from pscience5.net off IA on 04/01/25
- Opera v3.62 (ER3) (208KB) Full version of Opera v3.62 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris).
- Opera v3.62 (ER5) (213KB) Full version of Opera v3.62 for ER5 machines (5mx, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad, MC218).
- Opera v5.13 (ER3) (997KB) Opera v5.13 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris).
- Opera v5.13 (ER5) (1.01MB) Opera v5.13 for ER5 machines (5mx, MC218, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad).
- Opera v5.14 (ER3) (998KB) Opera v5.14 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris). You may also be interested in the 'OperaSettings' file on the ‘Xtra Software’ page. This is a file for replacing the Opera.ini file in c:\System\Apps\Opera\ in order to optimise all of Opera's settings. In theory you can do this from within Opera - except apparently there's a bug within Opera v5.14 in that changes to the security settings are not saved/displayed correctly. NB: Some people have reported problems running v5.14 on Series 5 machines - v3.62 may work better.
Update: Opera Software have very kindly provided free registration codes for v5.14 for general use. I've added the registration code to the zip file as well as quoting it here. ER3 code is: e-wvSrQ-NAywD-JkUEs-jcLRn-rAnfT
- Opera v5.14 (ER5) (1MB) Opera v5.14 for ER5 machines (5mx, MC218, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad). Note that v5.14 is built into the latest version of the netBook's OS already and should not therefore normally be required. You may also be interested in the 'OperaSettings' file on the ‘Xtra Software’ page. This is a file for replacing the Opera.ini file in c:\System\Apps\Opera\ in order to optimise all of Opera's settings. In theory you can do this from within Opera - except apparently there's a bug within Opera v5.14 in that changes to the security settings are not saved/displayed correctly.
Update: Opera Software have very kindly provided free registration codes for v5.14 for general use. I've added the registration code to the zip file as well as quoting it here. ER5 code is: e-XfaKu-WsCLh-rLaKT-y3tjW-k76bs