Bio-Base V 3.7 for the Psion Series 3a - released 31st Jan 97 - shareware only in complete & unregistered form. Full instructions are in the program, just press help while program is running. Installation: ============ Copy Bio3a.opa to the APP directory on your 3a's internal memory, or a Pak in slot A or B. If you do not have a APP directory on the selected device, create one as follows:- Press the SYSTEM button press the MENU key Under 'Disk', select 'Make directory' and press Enter. Next to 'Name' type APP Select the disk you wish to use, 'Internal, A or B' and press Enter. Now use the same method to create a directory called PSITECHA, this time typing PSITECHA next to 'Name' instead of APP. The PSITECHA directory does not need to be on the same disk as APP directory. When you have created these directorys and copied Bio3a.opa to the APP directory Copy the remaining files except this one, to the PSITECHA directory. Please note that you may only have 1 PSITECHA directory, either in the internal memory (M) OR (A) OR (B). Now press the SYSTEM button, then the MENU button, under APPs, select INSTALL, first select the disk that you copied Bio3a.OPA to, then select the file Bio3a.opa, and press Enter. An icon for Bio-Base will now appear and the program is ready to run... Visit my Home Page and download all my other programs at: This program can be registered via Compuserve's SWREG, its Registration ID is 13631, for more information about SWREG, and other methods of registration, press Help while program is running, and select 'How to register'. Enjoy.... Ben Vaughan.