========================================================================== Country Database V3.0 for the Psion Series 3 and 3a ========================================================================== COUNTRY.DBF Countries, Capitals, Currencies and Languages PRODUCT.TXT Details how to obtain over 50 further databases Using 3Link and RCOM or MCLINK copy the .DBF file to your .DAT directory on any drive (A, B or I). It should automatically appear under the DATA icon. ========================================================================== Errors/Omissions We welcome constructive critcism and are constantly striving to improve the accuracy and coverage of our files and the quality of our service. Send your comments via mail or email to: Series 3 Information Feedback P.O. Box 257 Guildford Surrey GU1 4FP United Kingdom info@sureanal.demon.co.uk ========================================================================== Disclaimer While the greatest care has been taken in preparing this file, neither the distributor nor the author can accept any responsibility for any loss to any person or company, however caused or arising as a result of or in consequence of actions taken in reliance of the data. ========================================================================== All Files Copyright 1995 Surerange Analysis Ltd. The COUNTRY.DBF file may be freely distributed provided that this file and the PRODUCT.TXT file remain with it. ========================================================================== Information Copyright 1995 Surerange Analysis Ltd. Psion & Psion 3a are registered trademarks of Psion PLC, London, England. Product subject to change without notice. E&OE. 5/5/95 ========================================================================== From info@sureanal.demon.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------------------------