WardFive by Dr Shane McKee shane@dna1.dnet.co.uk Version 2.02 22 July 1998 Welcome to WardFive! I hope the wait for version 2.02 hasn't seemed too long, but I also hope that you will find it worthwhile... Installation Go into the C:\System folder (in the System screen) Go into the Apps folder Create a new folder, within the Apps folder, called "WardFive" (watch your spelling!) Unzip the WardFive.ZIP file on your PC, and move all the decompressed files to the new folder on your Psion: ie C:\System\Apps\WardFive. Use Ctrl-X to move the WardFive patient data file (that's the one called "WardFive" which has the little 5ammy the 5nake icon) into the C:\Documents folder You're ready to roll! Click on the Extras bar to launch WardFive, or activate the WardFive patients file from the system screen. If you have any problems in getting this all to work, that'll be my fault for not explaining it properly. Please email me at: shane@dna1.dnet.co.uk NB: Some people are still reporting problems on installing to the D: drive. If you have problems, REINSTALL on C: after deleting all the WardFive files from D:. I promise I'm trying to fix this. FILES INCLUDED IN ZIP: Make sure you have all the following files. It is a breach of the terms of usage to distribute WardFive without including all of these in pristine condition: WardFive.app (application file) w5.doc (this file) WardFive.aif WardFive.hlp (help file) WardFive (patient data file -> Documents) Ward5.mbm (bitmaps) Registration The distribution version of WardFive is unregistered Shareware. This means that you may use it for the purposes of evaluation, but if you intend to keep using it, you must pay a registration fee. You are very very welcome to distribute the WardFive.zip file to all your colleagues, as long as you do not change it one jot. So please hang on to the ZIP file... Registration currently costs £25 GBP, and cheques should be made out to "Dr Shane McKee", and mailed to: Dr Shane McKee Clinical Genetics Unit, Birmingham Women's Hospital Birmingham B15 2TG United Kingdom. Further details are accessible from inside the program via the Help file (Ctrl-Shift-H). !!Please read the Important note at the bottom of this document!! For more details of Medical Software for the Psion range of palmtops: Go to: http://www.d-n-a.net/users/psionmed IMPORTANT NOTE!! In the UK there is a supremely important piece of legislation known as the Data Protection Act. To store any named information about a person on a computer (and yes, your Psion is a computer), you must be registered with the Data Protection Registrar as a Data User. Please check with your Hospital Trust Data Protection Officer to find out whether you are included in the Trust's Data Registration. In some trusts you will be (automatically), but not necessarily all. There are scary penalties for breaching the DPA, and I take absolutely no responsibility for any individual or organisation making use of WardFive in a way that contravenes the DPA. It is up to the individual or corporate user to ensure that his or her use of WardFive complies with legislation, locally-approved guidelines, and ethical obligations for patient confidentiality. Shane McKee 16 July 1998