****************************************************** Encrypt-it! for the Psion Series 5 v1.4 May 24, 1998 ****************************************************** Please read this file, it contains important information about the program. I kept this readme short because most people don't like long manuals. Please also read the Help file included with the program. WHAT'S NEW? *********** v1.4: * Batch mode: select up to 100 files from any folders, even entire folders, then encrypt/decrypt them using a single push of a button. You can even mix files to be encrypted and files to be decrypted in the list! * JPG and MBM support through MBMView. Encrypt your favourite images! * The first screen is not displayed any more for registered users, only a quick splash screen appears for a second. * Other small changes. NoteIt added to the file types recognized by Quick Update. 5Time and 5Xpense also added, they will work with the next update of 5Time and 5Xpense. The complete history can be found in the Help. INSTALLATION ************ 1) Make sure you can see the "System" folder (see "Preferences" from the System shell) 2) Create the folder C:\SYSTEM\OPL\ 3) Copy the files ps.opo and ps.mbm into this folder. 4) Create the folder \SYSTEM\APPS\ENCRYPT (on either C: or D:). If you are upgrading from an earlier version, delete all files in this folder except of encrypt.reg. 5) Copy the file sysram1.opx into the C:\SYSTEM\OPX folder. 6) Copy all the remaining three files into this folder (encrypt.app, encrypt.aif, encrypt.hlp). 7) You are now ready to run ENCRYPT-IT! It's icon should appear on the Extras bar, so just click on it! Please read the Help file before you use the program. PALMSCAPE CUSTOMER SUPPORT ************************** If you require further help or information on any Palmscape product you can contact support via any of the following: Internet: The Palmscape Homepage on the worldwide web is located at http://www.palmscape.com. The latest versions of all Palmscape products are available from here, as well as general information relating to EPOC palmtop computers. You can also send requests or questions directly to the author via email: peter@palmscape.com Postal support: Palmscape 182 Bromham Road Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 4BP United Kingdom REGISTRATION ************ Encrypt-it! for Psion Series 5 is a SHAREWARE program. Shareware means that you have a trial period of 20 days in which you test the program to see if you like it and want to use it. If you do want to keep it, you must register with us. Registration is very simple, and it can be done in two ways: 1. By Post: Send 12 UK pounds (or 20 US dollars) cash /UK cheque /Money Order payable to "Palmscape" to Palmscape, 182 Bronham Rd, Bedford, MK40 4BP, United Kingdom. If you want to receive your personalised password via regular mail, include a self-addressed and stamped envelope as well. 2. Register online: Visit our homepage at http://www.palmscape.com, and select "Register" to register using your credit card. Soon after registration you will receive a password by E-mail for the name you supply. All you have to do then is to type exactly that name and password in the registration dialog. Registration will remove the Registration reminder dialogs. Also, registered users will receive FREE technical support, and an E-mail whenever a new version is available for downloading. Of course, you won't have to re-register for any future versions, they will be FREE. CREDITS: ******** * Thanks to all the nice folks who sent me comments or suggestions or helped me to test the program, particularly Rick Peters, Mark Ulrich and Jean-Luc Damnet. * Thanks to Jean-Luc Damnet, the author of the really excellent VReader5 for his cooperation in developing a link with his program. If you didn't try his program yet, do it right now, it is amazing! * Thanks to Henry Hirst for his help establishing a similarly useful link with his brilliant HotKeys program. * Thanks to Christian Bruss, who translated the whole program to German. * My biggest thanks to all the people who already registered this program. * And last but not least thanks to you for trying Encrypt-it! :-) DISCLAIMER AND LICENCE AGREEMENT: ********************************* Encrypt-it!, including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse Translation is expressly forbidden without written permission of the author. Registered users may install the software on an unlimited number of machines so long as they are for their own use exclusively. Although Encrypt-it! is shareware, you are encouraged to pass the distribution ZIP file to your friends and colleague, registered copies may not be lent, sold or rented without the express written permission of the author. Palmscape and the author cannot and does not accept any liability for loss caused by error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind. No guarantee is either offered or implied by Palmscape or the author. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you lose the password then the encrypted file cannot be decrypted, so keep the password you use in a safe place. Encrypt-it! and all associated files are Copyright (C) 1998 Palmscape and Peter Csutora. All Rights Reserved. End of Readme.