****************************************************** Encrypt-it! for the Psion Series 5 v3.0 March 1, 2000 ****************************************************** Please read this file, it contains important information about the program. I kept this readme short because most people don't like long manuals. Please also read the Help file included with the program. Encrypt-it! is a high security file encryption/decryption utility for all of your files. Use it to password-protect business and personal files, E-mail attachments, contact lists or anything else. It is sophisticated yet easy to use. With all the algorithms programmed in C++, Encrypt-it! is the fastest and highest security encryption utility ever featured on a Psion palmtop! The program is intended to run on the Psion Series 5, 5mx, 7, Revo, netBook, Ericsson MC-218 and other EPOC palmtop computers. WHAT'S NEW? *********** v3.0: * The dialogs are now correctly displayed on the smaller screen of the Psion Revo, too. * If you wish, the program can automatically compact Data files prior to encryption to keep these files tidy. This option can be turned on in the Preferences dialog (default=off). * For added security, after a specified time the program will close the document that it has launched before via Quick Update. Great option if you launch a document just to look up something, but forget to close it. This option can be turned on and the delay adj- usted in the Preferences dialog (default=off). * Encrypt-it! can now launch text files by automatically loading them into a Word file. For this option set the file type to "Text file" in the main dialog. * TomeRaider files are recognised by the Quick Update routine. Create huge personal databases with the TomeBinder package, then encrypt them. Quick updating these files is reasonably fast, a 1 MB file takes 9 seconds to decrypt and launch (Series 5mx). * The default file type can now be set in the Preferences. Useful if you work with e.g. VReader5 files 90% of the time. * The program now starts slightly faster. Tip: when using Quick Update you don't even have to wait for the password entry dialog to appear, you can start typing the password right after you click on the file. The password will be there by the time the dialog appears. The complete history can be found in the Help. INSTALLATION ************ 1) Encrypt-it! comes in either ZIP file or a SIS installation package. The SIS package includes all language variants, but only your choice will be installed, using the Add/Remove control panel. If you don't have this control panel yet, you can download it at http://www.psion.com/downloads/epoc32/add_remove_control_panel/ 2) If you upgrade from an earlier version, delete all the old files from the folder \system\apps\encrypt except of the file "encrypt.reg". Be sure to delete encrypt.ini, otherwise the new version won't start. 3) Copy the SIS file into any folder on your Series 5, highlight it and press enter. The program will be automatically installed. If you are installing from a ZIP file, first unzip it, then copy all files to a folder called \system\apps\encrypt, except the files "piqinfo.opo", "piqinfo.mbm" and "piqinfo.rsc", these files should go to the folder \system\opl, while the files "encrypt.opx" and "sysram1.opx" should go to the folder \system\opx. 4) You are now ready to run ENCRYPT-IT! It's icon should appear on the Extras bar, so just click on it! Please read the Help file before you use the program. 5) Convert your old encrypted files (versions 1.5 and before) to the new version (versions 2.0 and above). First run the file "decrypt.opo" in the \system\apps\encrypt folder to decrypt all these files, then encrypt them again using the single mode or batch mode of the new version of the program. If you are certain that all your files are encrypted using the new version, you can delete the file "decrypt.opo" to save disk space. Pocket IQ CUSTOMER SUPPORT ************************** If you require further help or information on any Pocket IQ product you can contact support via any of the following: Internet: The Pocket IQ Homepage on the worldwide web is located at http://www.pocketIQ.com The latest versions of all Pocket IQ products are available from here, as well as general information relating to EPOC palmtop computers. You can also send requests or questions directly to the author via email: peter@pocketIQ.com IMPORTANT NOTE: If you lose the password then the encrypted file cannot be decrypted, so keep the password you use in a safe place. REGISTRATION ************ Encrypt-it! for Psion Series 5 is a SHAREWARE program. Shareware means that you have a trial period of 20 days in which you test the program to see if you like it and want to use it. If you do want to keep it, you must register with us. Registration is very simple. Please visit our web site or read the Help for instructions on how to register. Soon after registration you will receive a password by E-mail for the name you supply. All you have to do then is to type exactly that name and password in the registration dialog. Registration will remove the Registration reminder dialogs. Also, registered users will receive FREE technical support, and an E-mail whenever a new version is available for downloading. Of course, you won't have to re-register for any future versions, they will be FREE. CREDITS: ******** * Simon Jacobs at Pocket IQ (author of the amazing game Imperium) did the OPX conversion for me. Thanks again Simon! * Thanks to all the nice folks who sent me comments or suggestions or helped me to test the program, particularly Rick Peters, Mark Ulrich, Jean-Luc Damnet and Henry Hirst. * Thanks to Jean-Luc Damnet, the author of the really excellent VReader5 for his cooperation in developing a link with his program. * Thanks to Christian Bruss for the German, Gérald Aubard for the French, Kamil Golombek for the Czech, and Paolo Esini for the Italian version. * My biggest thanks to all the people who already registered this program. * And last but not least thanks to you for trying Encrypt-it! :-) Encrypt-it! and all associated files are Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Pocket IQ and Peter Csutora. All Rights Reserved. End of Readme.