Macro5 v2.40 ------------ FAQ and TIPS : -------------- + ?? When I try to run a macro, I get the error message 'ppp procedure not found' ?? => you get this error when you try to launch macros directly from the program editor or from the shell. Macros can only be run through shortcuts in Macro5. + ?? When using Copy/Paste functions or sending key sequences, I get sometimes strange behaviors or the target application crashes ?? => Try to add pauses between commands to let the system catch up. Begin with 'Pause 100' (5 seconds) and decrease the value if it works. + ?? How do I cycle backward through tasks ?? => If you cycle trought tasks with Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+Del cancels the cycling and any other Ctrl+key cycles backward. + ?? Macro5 is not restarted after a backup ?? PsiWin 2.1 restarts only the applications in the ROM. You can nevertheless uncheck the advanced option 'Close for backup' to keep Macro5 open during the backups. The drawback is that you will get a warning message each time you will try to backup + ?? Macro5 does not close for the backups or from the tasklist ?? => Check the option 'Close for backup' in the advanced options. If you do so, Macro5 will close for the backups but you will have to restart it by hand after. + ?? Why is the hotkey for Macro5 disabled by default ?? => A hotkey switches back to the application only when the application is already running and is not busy (e.g. not waiting for a dialog). On the other hand, an Extras-bar key always switches back to the application, starting it if needed (that's what does Macro5 shortcuts). It is therefore more efficient to assign one of the Extras-bar keys to Macro5 (Sytem : Tools->Control Panel->Extras bar) and have the same key combination to start and switch back to Macro5. For example, assigning Macro5 to the key 'Extras', will allow you to access Macro5 with Ctrl+Extras in any events. + ?? Why don't add the possiblity to use the keys 1, 2 and 3 to switch between the shortcuts tabs ?? You can use the arrows and 'Tab' to navigate through the panels. Since there is only 3 tabs, one keystroke is always enough to go to the panel of your choice. + ?? Where can I find SysRam1.oxh and SystInfo.oxh ?? On the site of Symbian at