***************************************************** BatCheck for the Psion Series 5 v1.1 28 January, 1999 ***************************************************** BatCheck is a small and extremely useful application that monitors the status of the main and backup batteries. Features: * Unlike other programs that only tell you the status of the batteries when they are in foreground, BatCheck will gauge the battery levels at certain time intervals (1-60 minutes, selectable). * Normally the program sits in the background using virtually no battery power itself, wakes up when its time for a checking, and goes back to sleep if the batteries are good, without disturbing you or being noticed. If the batteries are not good, the program comes to the foreground and warns you. * (NEW!) When a warning occurs, just hit Enter, Esc, Space, or any letter keys (a-z), and the program will go back to the background. * You can select two warning levels for both the main and backup batteries: a 'low' and a 'replace' voltage level. This is particularly useful if you use rechargeable cells where the voltage usually drops fast. By setting a warning level higher than the built-in levels you can avoid accidents caused by sudden battery power loss. * (NEW!) If you want, you can ask the program not to warn you repeatedly, only once the first time when the main or backup levels reach the low level. Next time it will only warn you if the machine has been switched off then back on, or when they reach the replace level. * (NEW!) You can ask the program to do a check at every switching on. If you have lots of other startup programs, you can select a delay time for battery check (0-20 seconds), so it will pop up after all the startup programs are done with their jobs. * You can also ask the program to monitor if the external power is connected or not. This is great if you use your machine plugged-in, and the plug slips out of the machine without being noticed. * The program will tell you the voltage in 2 decimal values for greater accuracy (e.g. 2.28 Volts). * Toolbar support. * (NEW!) The main window can be positioned anywhere on the screen. * (NEW!) Fully responds to system events, i.e. you can close the program from the task window even when it sleeps. * (NEW!) Geofox One backup battery has a voltage of 1.5 Volts when new. Therefore, they can now select warning levels as low as 0.8 Volts. * (NEW!) Help included with the program. Try BatCheck, and there will be one less thing to worry about! INSTALLATION ************ 1) Copy the file BatCheck11.sis to your Series 5. Highlight it and press Enter. It will be installed automatically. (If you don't have the Add/Remove control panel installed, you can download it from the official Psion site.) 2) You're now ready to run BatCheck. It's icon should appear on the Extras bar, so just click it! STATUS OF THE PROGRAM ********************* BatCheck is FREEWARE! I made it because I have almost lost all my data from my Psion, some program source codes even got damaged. Well, I learned the lesson that rechargeables tend to die fast, so here is a solution. Feel free to distribute the program, but don't change the contents and layout of the original zip file please. If you like this program, please have a look at my other programs as well (Encrypt-it!, Statistics, Moon). The program has been fully tested and appears to have no bugs, but if you find any or have any comments then I welcome your input e-mail on: csutora@usa.net Updates of BatCheck (and my other programs) can be found on my web page at: http://members.tripod.com/~csutora/ REMARKS ******* The program uses the temporary UID 0x10001C89. If this causes any problems (it shouldn't), let me know. The author cannot and does not accept any liability for loss caused by error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind. No guarantee is either offered or implied by the author. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. CREDITS ******* The program uses the SystInfo OPX extension, copyright Otfried Cheong and RMR Software 1998. Thanks to Andrew Giddings for his suggestions and coding advice. Thanks to Gérald Aubard for the French and to Christian Bruss for the German translation. And last but not least thanks to you for trying BatCheck! :-) BatCheck and all associated files are Copyright (C) 1998-99 Peter Csutora. All Rights Reserved. End of Readme.