==================================================== LEM V 1.3 for the Psion Series 5 & 5mx & compatibles ==================================================== An Arcade classic brought up to date, Land your Lunar Entry Module (LEM) on moons with varying landscapes and gravity, 50 levels on each of 99 landscape sets. - With high quality graphics, speech, and sound effects. * Addictive gameplay * The latest versions of all my programs can be downloaded & registered via my web site. http://www.bjv.btinternet.co.uk/ ============ INSTALLATION ============ Turn on your Series 5, press the System icon (bottom left of the screen), press the Menu key, under 'Tools' select 'Preferences', make sure that there is a tick next to 'show system folder' and click on 'OK'. Go into either C:\System\Apps\ or D:\System\Apps\ From the menu, under 'File' select 'Make new folder' name it LEM. Copy all the files except README.TXT into this directory. If you wish to save space, you may omit some or all of the sound files. Pressing the 'Extras' button (bottom right of screen) will now reveal this programs icon, select it to begin. If the program does not run, rename it's folder to a different name, wait a few seconds, then rename it back to the correct name and try again. If you have difficulty with installation, re-read and follow carefully the above instructions, you have probably put the files in the wrong place, or named the folder incorectly. =========== HOW TO PLAY =========== Instructions are included in the program. ============ REGISTRATION ============ Full instructions on how to register and details of cost are given within the program, just select 'How to register' from the menu, you will be asked a few questions to determine which method of registration best suites you, followed by full instructions to the method of registration selected. When you register you will receive a code that will enable this program to be used with your Series 5. If for any reason a replacment code is required, one will be supplied free of charge. If you reqire further codes, a new registration will be required, whereupon you will recieve a new code, and will again be entitled to a free replacement code if needed. The above policy is necessary to minimise piracy, and to keep the amount of time spent dealing with each registration to an acceptable level, which in turn, enables me to keep the cost of registration low. I hope that with your support I will be able to continue making software for your enjoyment. =============== TROUBLESHOOTING =============== If you have a problem, check that your batteries are not low, and that there is plenty of memory available to the program. Check that you have followed the installation instructions correctly. Check my web site to see if you are using the latest version of this program. http://www.bjv.btinternet.co.uk/ If you still have a problem after checking the above, send me an email, explaining the problem in as much detail as possible, stateing what machine you are running the program on, what version you are running, what files have been put where, at what point in the programs execution the error happened, and what error messages were given. My email address is bjv@btinternet.com ============= FINAL COMMENT ============= I hope that you will encorage me to write lots of new programs by registering. I am currently programing full time for the Psion range of computers, and can only continue with your support. Many thanks, Ben Vaughan.