A collection of over 1150 clipart images for the Series 5. I don't take credit for any of them! I simply did a "batch conversion" of public domain images downloaded from the Web and merged them into the Series 5 Sketch application. Although slightly time-consuming, it is possible to select an individual image from any of the files and embed it into other applications. I have found the best way of doing this as follows: 1. Select "insert object" from the relevant application. 2. Ctrl-Shift-I to merge in required clipart file (you will notice a large gap down the left-hand side of the sketch - this was intentional!) 3. Use the scroll bars to locate the desired image. 4. Click on the Freehand drawing tool button and then click the Select Area button (this is simply a way of deselecting the image as it is automatically selected when merged). 5. Drag a square around desired image, then ctrl-X to cut it. 6. Use scrollbars to move to far top left of sketch. 7. Ctrl-V to paste image, then resize as desired. 8. Ctrl-Shift-B to resize sketch - will take a bit of trial and error, but .4 width and .4 length works well if you haven't resized the image, and .5 and .5 if you've made it slightly larger. 9. Click on "Done". This might sound hellish, but in fact can be done fairly quickly with a bit of practice! The alternative method is obviously to open 2 Sketch images, one being the clipart file, and copy and paste from one to the other, but I would personally find it tedious having to create new files all the time. The categories are fairly "broad", but when you see what images are in each, you'll get the idea.... I hope you find these useful. Chris Pope