FileLink creates link files on a Psion 5 in a similar way that Windows95 uses shortcuts. That is, a file, which when run, will open up another file or folder. The program is freeware and copyright J.D.Medhurst 1999 To install this program run FileLink.sis If you have any problems email -------------------------------------------------------- Revision history. Version 2.01 - 11th Feb 1999 * Fixed a bug with links that open files with a space in their name. Version 2.00 - 9th Feb 1999 * Added linking to folders and programs. * Added 'Batch Folder' linking. That is a link which opens all files in a specified folder. Version 1.21 - 13th Jan 1999 * Added recogition of RMRZip. (New name for S5Zip) Version 1.20 - 28th June 1998 * Added the facility to create links to HTML, JPEG and GIF files, these will be opened with Web. * Links to ZIP files are now created without needing to specify S5Zip as the program to open them with. Version 1.11 - 25th June 1998 * Fixed a bug with links to OPL programs that have spaces in their name or path. Version 1.10 - 11th June 1998 * Added the ability to create links to files on disk Z. * Worked around a bug in OPL that caused a filename extension to be added to the name of a link file even if the user deleted it. * Some cosmetic changes to comply more with Psion's style guide. Version 1.03 - 9th May 1998 * Revisions to text in program messages, help file and readme. Version 1.02 - 4th May 1998 * Increased the number of applications that FileLink can find to 255. (Apparently some people have more than 128 apps on their Psion!) Version 1.01 - 1st May 1998 * Fixed a bug that caused running applications to be missed off the "Open target with...?" apps list. * Fixed a bug that caused a crash when searching for apps and it found one with no caption name in its AIF file. * Renamed the program to FileLink from Shortcut to avoid confustion with another app with that name. Version 1.00 - 19th April 1998 * Initial release.