ORDER FORM THE FILMCALCULATOR SOFTWARE ====================================== Name: Company: Address: Zipcode: City: Country: Phone: Fax: Email: ====================================== Credit card number: Expiration date: If you live in the E.C. and you want a VAT-free delivery: Your VAT number: Please send me an invoice Yes / No ====================================== Order for: ____ Filmcalculators for the Series 5 Internet version ($175) ____ Filmcalculators for the Series 5 boxed version with manual ($199 incl. shipping) I am upgrading from: ____ The Shareware version for the Series 3 ($50 rebate) ____ The SSD version for the Series 3 ($75 rebate after sending the SSD to Zebra Film) Hereby I authorise Zebra Film to charge my Credit Card for the amount of: $ _____ or the equivalent in Guilders Signature: ===================================== Fax or Email to: Zebra Film Sloterweg 1257 1066 CJ Amsterdam The Netherland Fax: +31 20 4082339 Email: zebra@xs4all.nl